Wilma Lopez
An article from 2017 about the new head of the Bergoglian CDF, the "Heal Me with Your Mouth" guy (almost certainly a rainbow warrior).

Archbishop “Tucho” Fernandez on Amoris Laetitia - AKA Catholic

I’m not real keen on playing the “I told you so” card, but… Francis’ great novelty Within a day of Amoris Laetitia being published, I …
Hound of Heaven
The problems of Amoris Laetitia can be remedied, somewhat, by retitling it more accurately, Egregium Errores. Personally, I have wasted too much time on Bergoglio's verbose drivel. My theological knowledge is humble in comparison to those who are supposed to be leading us in the Church, but if even I can see the pitfalls, surely so can they! It is either my grave sin in critiquing them, or theirs,…More
The problems of Amoris Laetitia can be remedied, somewhat, by retitling it more accurately, Egregium Errores. Personally, I have wasted too much time on Bergoglio's verbose drivel. My theological knowledge is humble in comparison to those who are supposed to be leading us in the Church, but if even I can see the pitfalls, surely so can they! It is either my grave sin in critiquing them, or theirs, for not doing so.