
Podivné kamenné balóny na břehu Japonska

"Yes, this is part of the China surveillance operation, whereby a balloon is lofted and then anchored." Reply by Nancy Lieder 35 minutes ago What is the mysterious metal ball that washed up on a Japanese …More
"Yes, this is part of the China surveillance operation, whereby a balloon is lofted and then anchored."
Reply by Nancy Lieder 35 minutes ago
What is the mysterious metal ball that washed up on a Japanese beach? Could it be alien made?
[and from another]
Spy Balloon or UFO? Authorities Baffled after Giant Metal Ball Washes Up on Japanese beach
February 22, 2023
Spy balloon or UFO? Authorities baffled after giant metal ball washes up on Japanese beach
The giant metal ball, around 1.5 metres in diameter, appeared on a beach on Japan's south coast, astounding officials, residents and online spectators. X-ray technology revealed the ball to be hollow while the outside has a rusty appearance and two raised handles, raising speculation it is normally hooked onto something. [and from another] Watch "Mysterious Metallic Sphere Washes Up on a Beach in Japan" on YouTube https://youtu.be/wyTK1dMQtss [and from another] Looks like the Betz Ball, which was alien. ZetaTalk Newsletter SOZT This hollow …More
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