
Glacier Requiem: Church Indulges in Climate Horror Message

Father Engelbert Guggenberger, an episcopal vicar of Gurk-Klagenfurt Diocese, Austria, staged a "Requiem" for the Pasterze, Austria's largest glacier, on 5 September.

His Bishop Josef Marketz supported the project. Guggenberger co-presided the event with a female Protestant pastor. The form of a "requiem" for the show was underlined by a coffin from ice.

The funeral procession had to stop once because the pallbearers were overwhelmed with the weight. The recited texts conveyed a doomsday mood.

When the head of the national park spoke, it became clear that this was the gathering of a sect. The lady prophesied that some animals would survive, but - at 50°C (! = 122°F) - the human species would not, and this was all "man's fault".

Guggenberger gave the performance his discount blessing.


Yeah, and COVID-19 was a natural virus, not a spike protein produced in the body by aborted baby RNA...
Hound of Heaven
Our Lord advocated that we bear ourselves to be as "wise as serpents and gentle as doves", then why do so many of our Church leaders remind me of lemmings?!
Tony M
We need to have a requiem for the spiritual death of so many souls who are led into mortal sin by Bergoglio's heretical teachings. eg heresies of Amoris Laetitia.
They'll have a funeral for melted ice but not unborn babies?!?! 😱 🥵 🙏
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
😭 😭 😱 😱=Boo Hoo !! Sob sob!! ( 😂 😂 😂 😂 🤪 🤪 🤭 🤭......LOSERS!!)