
Cardinal Müller Confirms: Francis’ Stopped His Investigation

Pope Francis personally halted an investigation against Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor (+2017). This was confirmed by the former Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Gerhard Müller.

Murphy-O’Connor was accused of having abused a teenage girl in the 1960s. The police investigated the accusation and decided it could not be substantiated and therefore dropped the case.

Nevertheless, during the 2011 abuse hysteria, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith started an investigation.

Müller told LifeSiteNews.com (October 3), that he is “bound by Pontifical Secret” about the case. But he affirmed that the investigation could not be conducted according to Church protocol because it was stopped [by Francis].

Francis has a history of protecting modernists in troubles, among them the Cardinals Danneels, Maradiaga and McCarrick, responsible for Bergoglio's election.

Picture: Gerhard Ludwig Müller, © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsBorlamlusf
Il est normal que l'Antéchrist protège les siens.
Another Politico Cardinal. Lord have Mercy!
Joseph a' Christian
@Beacon - Almighty God bless you. There are so many creatures filled with willfulness, ignorance, blindness and corruption roaming around our Church, that it seems to me that only our Lord Jesus can sort the living from the dead.
Being it is the feast day of Saint Francisco, one of my favorite sayings of his is fitting:: Man knows the face, yet Almighty God knows the heart.
I repeat my earlier comment that Cardinal Muller should be our next Pope as soon as legally possibly and begin immediately to clean up this unimaginable mess. Can anyone not see that our beloved Church is adrift on the seas with no oars and no leader. How much longer can we tolerate this "tossing and turning?" Our Lady, pray for us...bring us your Son!