
Working Document "Misleading" and "False Flattery" - Archbishop Chaput

The [gay-propaganda] acronym "LGBT" used in the Youth Synod's working document should not appear in Church documents, Philadelphia Archbishop Charles Chaput told the Youth Synod (October 4).

His argument: The Church doesn’t categorise people by their “sexual appetites”. “There is no such thing as an ‘LGBTQ Catholic’ or a ‘transgender Catholic’ or a ‘heterosexual Catholic’”, he explained.

Chaput further stated that it is "misleading" when the document calls young people the “watchmen and seismographs of every age.”

According to Chaput this is “false flattery” because “in reality, young people are too often products of the age” and are shaped “by a culture that is both deeply appealing and essentially atheist”.

Picture: Charles Chaput, © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsNxcklzjugj
Les jeunes qui pour beaucoup sont des rescapés de la Shoah abortive, sont montés en épingle par les antichrists : c'est la meilleure façon de les perdre.
Lisi Sterndorfer
Archbishop Chaput: "I had a number of bishops from India, Africa, Peru, Eastern Europe, and elsewhere thank me for flagging the problems involved with language like 'LGBTQ Catholics.' There’s a general sense so far that the instrumentum needs to be more explicitly evangelical."
De Profundis
He will be marginalised just as the Dubia cardinals were. The rest of the bishops will do as they’re told.
This is at stake
Chaput also said that Church Leaders and others have failed to form young people due to "ignorance, cowardice and laziness."