Greeting the cloistered Nuns. "Like other contemplative Orders, the Dominican nuns live a life wholly dedicated to contemplation. Their lives are centered around the celebration of Holy Mass and the …More
Greeting the cloistered Nuns.
"Like other contemplative Orders, the Dominican nuns live a life wholly dedicated to contemplation. Their lives are centered around the celebration of Holy Mass and the prayer of the chanted Divine Office. For Dominicans there is a special emphasis on common life and the community expresses the desire to be "of one heart and mind" through the monastic observances of prayer, work, and recreation, enclosure and silence. Because of a profound love of the Word of God who is Truth, study also plays a unique role in the life of the nuns. The life of the Dominican nuns is a life of hidden apostolic fruitfulness. Called to free for God alone, the nuns unceasing search for God brings her into communion with the entire world. The cry of St. Dominic, "O Lord, what will become of sinners," becomes her own while she is keenly aware that she is the first in need of the mercy of God. In solidarity with the mission of their preaching brothers as well as the whole Dominican …More
That looks like Sr M Agnes and I can't make out the other sister.