Cardinal Demonstrates Superiority of Islam. Cardinal Demonstrates Superiority of Islam 23-year-old Silvia Romano returned on May 10 to Italy after having spent 18 months in Somalia in the hands of Al-…More
Cardinal Demonstrates Superiority of Islam.

Cardinal Demonstrates Superiority of Islam

23-year-old Silvia Romano returned on May 10 to Italy after having spent 18 months in Somalia in the hands of Al-Shabaab militant group. Silvia was kidnapped while working as a volunteer in an dangerous part of Kenya. The Italian Government paid a ransom of around 3 million Euro, although Italian legislation forbids this. An Al-Shabaab spokesman announced that the money will be used to buy weapons and to fund jihad. This will be an incentive for them to kidnap more Italians.

She Understood the Value of Our Religion”

During Silvia’s captivity, Italian media reported that she was forced to wear a niqab, and other horror stories. However, the matter turned out to be different. When Silvia arrived in Italy, she was indeed dressed in a niqab, because during her captivity she converted to Islam. She had asked her kidnappers for a Quran which she read and accepted. The Al-Shabaad spokesman commented this – quote, "From what I gather, Silvia Romano chose Islam because she understood the value of our religion after reading the Koran and praying."

Cardinal Outmatches Al-Shabaad

Al-Shabaad’s sober assessment was outmatched by the enchantment displayed by Perugia Cardinal Bassetti, the President of the Italian Bishops. While commenting on Silvia’s arrival, Bassetti said, “In this moment, we all consider Silvia our daughter.” As Neo-Muslim and apostate, Silvia likely couldn’t care less. Bassetti explained that Silvia survived her captivity because she was driven by – quote – “strong religious motivations.” The poor old man went on - quote, “We could embrace her at least with the heart because now we can't do it with our arms and hands and I, who am such an affectionate guy, suffer so much."

A Church That Has Signed Its Own Death-Warrant

The spectacle of a sentimental Cardinals without convictions was likely the ultimate confirmation for Silvia Romano that her decision to become a Muslim was right, and that she did well to abandon a Church that stands for nothing but for empty and embarrassing emotions. In this moment, she must have felt a religious, moral and human superiority of Islam.
Wish some of these cardinals would learn not to speak publicly.
St. Raymond of Penafort : Ora Pro Nobis
Holy Cannoli
Idealistic, starry eyed, save the world type but she’s simply a know nothing 23 year-old punk kid. Were there no poor people in Italy that you could have helped, Sweetie? How about India? Does it have to be black poor to motivate you? Come to Chicago and I’ll hook you up with all the black poor you can handle. No problem.
Hopefully she will be an example for other young women who are out to “save …More
Idealistic, starry eyed, save the world type but she’s simply a know nothing 23 year-old punk kid. Were there no poor people in Italy that you could have helped, Sweetie? How about India? Does it have to be black poor to motivate you? Come to Chicago and I’ll hook you up with all the black poor you can handle. No problem.

Hopefully she will be an example for other young women who are out to “save the world” but become a prime target for kidnappings and big money ransoms that is used to wage jihad.

Massimo Giorgetti, a regional lawmaker for the far-right Brothers of Italy party, wrote on Facebook: “Am I happy about Silvia Romano’s release? Not at all. Now we will have one more Muslim and 4 million euros less.”

If I were related, sure I’d want her back but she’s still mixed up and what she does now and what is in store for her future is anyone’s guess. 😲
Shades of Bowe Bergdahl... Western governments shouldn't pay Muslim kidnappers, it only encourages them.
OK, sarcasm, but unwaranted. This half dwarf is an emarassment for abortion of maggots. And the story is so filthy that you can only, un good conscience cry: the idiocy of the cardinal vs. the volence, blasphemous excuse for a religion, irrational, unconscionable islam. "And the winner iiiiiiissssssss: wickedness, that's right, YEEEAAAAHH!!!!!...."