
McCarrick Handed Out Money to Vatican Prelates

When Cardinal McCarrick visited Rome, he was "well-known" for handing out envelopes of money to bishops and cardinals around the Curia "to thank them for their work”, an anonymous Curial Cardinal told …More
When Cardinal McCarrick visited Rome, he was "well-known" for handing out envelopes of money to bishops and cardinals around the Curia "to thank them for their work”, an anonymous Curial Cardinal told CatholicNewsAgency.com (September 11).
The Cardinal added that the origin and intend of the money was not clear – but many accepted the cash anyway.
McCarrick played a leading role in the Vatican finances. He was a member of Apsa, the administration of the patrimony of the Holy See. Until 2017 he was the ecclesial assistant of the foundation Centesimus annus pro Pontifice which also raises funds for the Vatican. He was succeded by his protegé, pro-gay Cardinal Joseph Tobin.
Because of his liberal stances, McCarrick was very popular among the pro-gay oligarch media although his homosexual groping was well known to them.
Picture: © Hillary Dempster, CC BY-NC, #newsVdgrmefvtn
Joseph a' Christian
Homosexuals are so vile, so dark, that stealing millions of dollars from our Church, is just a routine for them.
False bishop Dolan, a vile blasphemer and a promoter of homosexual sins, has klosed numerous parishes in New York. While at the same time, taking tens of millions of dollars from parishes through his “cardinal’s campaign.”
One Catholic Church where i attended mass, is struggling from …More
Homosexuals are so vile, so dark, that stealing millions of dollars from our Church, is just a routine for them.
False bishop Dolan, a vile blasphemer and a promoter of homosexual sins, has klosed numerous parishes in New York. While at the same time, taking tens of millions of dollars from parishes through his “cardinal’s campaign.”
One Catholic Church where i attended mass, is struggling from a shortage of money, we had to wear our winter coats during mass since there was no heat. Yet Dolan squeezed 50, 75 thousand bucks or more from the Pastor/ we faithful each year.
Numerous Catholic children are now being warped in pagan public schools, where they are pressured to fit in by accepting homosexual false marriage, transvestites mutilating themselves, perverse lesbians adopting children...
Dolan, McCarrick, Maridiaga, Martin, Cupich, False Francis... these are vile beasts, anti-Christs who are stealing and destroying everything they can, from our Church of Christ.
Jesus Is Virtue. Therefore, He is despised by these depraved queer leeches, fake priests.
Christ Is Virtue, the Apostles called Him “Teacher.”
Filthy Lucre!