
The Fake Mercy Performance of Vatican Cardinal Konrad Krajewski

Cardinal Krajewski, the Papal Almoner, who on May 11 broke a seal in order to restore electrical power in the occupied Spin Time Labs building in Rome, has come under fierce criticism.

The electricity supplier had cut off its service because there was an outstanding 300.000 Euros past due bill.

The Spin Time Labs building has been occupied by Communist activists since 2013, shortly before its sale. This resulted in a loss of 50 million euros for the owner of the building.

The “poor” who now live in the building, and whose presence Krajewski used in order to justify his action, pay a rent to the occupiers. State social workers have urged the families who live in the complex to move into state owned apartments. They have refused, preferring to stay in the occupied building.

Since 2013 the occupiers have installed in the Spin Time Labs building a 1000-person-disco without emergency exits or fire extinguishers, a commercial restaurant, a commercial school for brewers, a cinema, and rooms for professional tango lessons. These services are all sold without receipts and therefore they are paying no taxes. Neither police nor social services have been allowed to enter the building.

Last year around 125 events took place in the building, many of them with an entrance fee, especially the music events where alcohol and cigarettes are available in abundance, including for minors. With their activities the occupiers have made more than 250’000 Euros in a single year. This year, already 60 events were organized in the place. In the past, Cardinal Krajewski has been a guest at such events.

In June 2018 the show “Glory Hole” went on scene which the organizers called a “transcendental orgasm.” A “Glory Hole” is described as a hole in a wall often between public lavatory cubicles for people to engage in sexual activity.

The Italian Catholic magazine Tempi calls the occupation of the Spin Time Labs building a clear case of abuse, committed by people who organize rave parties - the next will be tomorrow - using the "poor" as a screen for their illicit and illegal business activities.
I have a solution. All Cardinals and Pope resigns. Good for Chile good for the Vatican. God send us a Catholic Peter
What a story! ...just in case we needed more "visible" signs of the catastrophe before us....
It's truly stunning to see, day after day, the absolute lack of reason. Truly bizarre, putting a new spin on "rose-colored glasses". 😎More
What a story! ...just in case we needed more "visible" signs of the catastrophe before us....

It's truly stunning to see, day after day, the absolute lack of reason. Truly bizarre, putting a new spin on "rose-colored glasses". 😎