Pope Appoints a Group of Eight Cardinals

Pope Francis has appointed a Group of Eight cardinals to advise him in the governance of the Universal Church, Radio Vatican has reported. The group of Cardinals will be coordinated by Card. Oscar Andrés …More
Pope Francis has appointed a Group of Eight cardinals to advise him in the governance of the Universal Church, Radio Vatican has reported. The group of Cardinals will be coordinated by Card. Oscar Andrés Maradiaga Rodríguez.
The group is composed of:
Card. Giuseppe Bertello, President of the Governatorate of Vatican City State;
Card. Francisco Javier Errazuriz Ossa, Archbishop emeritus of Santiago del Cile (Chile);
Card. Oswald Gracias, Archbishop of Bombay (India);
Card. Reinhard Marx, Archbishop of München und Freising (Germany);
Card. Laurent Monswengo Pasinya, Archbishop of Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo);
Card. Sean Patrick O’Malley. O.F.M. Cap., Archbishop of Boston (U.S.A.); Card. George Pell, Archbishop of Sydney (Australia); Card. Oscar Andrés Maradiaga Rodríguez S.D.B., Archbishop of Tegucigalpa (Honduras); Mons. Marcello Semeraro, Bishop of Albano, Council secretary. The first meeting of the Council will take place October 1-3, 2013. (Photo: The coordinator of the …More
Between what sounds of Marx and what I know of O'Malley we have to be very very concerned......
Who is advising the Pope?
How can Cardinal Marx a pornographer advise Peter? Satan is at work.
The Holy Father needs men of faith and love around him not filth sellers.
Almighty God have mercy on us.
Right, one of the councilors of the pope (card. Marx) is involved in the production of pornography (through the publisher "Weltbild" who belongs to him and to other German bishops).
Further: He distributes the abortive morning-after pill in his "Catholic" hospitals.
Perhaps the Pope has chosen this man as advocatus diaboli?More

Right, one of the councilors of the pope (card. Marx) is involved in the production of pornography (through the publisher "Weltbild" who belongs to him and to other German bishops).

Further: He distributes the abortive morning-after pill in his "Catholic" hospitals.

Perhaps the Pope has chosen this man as advocatus diaboli?
This should be interesting. 🧐
Boston Diocese..home of the 'homo takeover''. If Catholics knew exactly where their monies have been going, I wonder if they'd even care. And..O'Malley..forget the Latin Mass.
Uncle Joe
Comment from a Boston Catholic resident who is familiar with Card. O'Malley:
I don't know anything about the others (except Pell, who IIRC is quite good), but I can't imagine why he'd select O'Malley, unless he's planning to dismantle the Church in orderly if ham-handed fashion.
From Boston Catholic Insider:
In Boston, for nearly 3 years we have been documenting the ongoing problems of:
-- Nearly …More
Comment from a Boston Catholic resident who is familiar with Card. O'Malley:

I don't know anything about the others (except Pell, who IIRC is quite good), but I can't imagine why he'd select O'Malley, unless he's planning to dismantle the Church in orderly if ham-handed fashion.

From Boston Catholic Insider:

In Boston, for nearly 3 years we have been documenting the ongoing problems of:
-- Nearly $4M annually in excessive six-figure salaries paid to lay executives
-- Moving around of funds from originally designated purposes to someplace else
-- Skyrocketing administrative expenses
-- Cronyism in hiring
-- Deception in communications and in policy making
-- Retention of Finance Council members and key advisers to the Cardinal who work against Catholic Church teachings
-- Routine violations of the archdiocesan Code of Conduct
-- Incompetence by high paid cabinet members
-- Draining of capital reserves to pay operating expenses
-- $140M in unpaid debt, with no plan to be able to repay the debt
-- 34% decline in Mass attendance between 2000 and 2012
-- 40-50% of parishes operating in the red
-- Abdication of leadership by Cardinal O’Malley and a failure by him to teach through his actions and words.

Other than those minor matters, everything is just great in Boston.


Even orthodoxy is not much of a concern to O'Malley; VOTF operates at a favored pastor's paraish. One of O'Malley's closest advisors is Fr. Hehir! Jack Connors, the advertising guy is active in Catholic education -- while being an enthusiastic bundler for Obama.

You'll note that the Boston archdiocese is not a party to any of the suits against HHS over the mandate; an archdiocesan spokesman said, when asked, that since others were suing, they didn't have to (though, as I understand it, the suits are being handled pro bono).

Note too that O'Malley gets absolutely fawning coverage from the very left-wing Boston media. They allow him the occasional pro forma anti-abortion and anti-gay marriage remark (few and far between and not backed up with action), but they know he won't do anything to criticize or embarrass the Dems -- recall the Ted Kennedy dog-and-pony show funeral.
Well now - this is going to be interesting! There is clearly a couple of snakes in this group! Be careful your Holiness you may get your hand bit.
Someoneshould tell Pope Francis that Reinhard Marx has a 13% share in the porn publishing house Weltbild.