
Bigamists - canon law 1917

TITULUS XIV : De delictis contra vitam, libertatem, proprietatem, bonam famam ac bonos mores. 2356 Can. 2356. Bigami, idest qui, obstante coniugali vinculo, aliud matrimonium, etsi tantum civile, ut …More
TITULUS XIV : De delictis contra vitam, libertatem, proprietatem, bonam famam ac bonos mores.
Can. 2356. Bigami, idest qui, obstante coniugali vinculo, aliud matrimonium, etsi tantum civile, ut aiunt, attentaverint, sunt ipso facto infames; et si, spreta Ordinarii monitione, in illicito contubernio persistant, pro diversa reatus gravitate excommunicentur vel personali interdicto plectantur.
Until 1983 the Church has considered bigamists who, in violation of the rights of the lawful partner, live in concubinage with another party (whether they live in continence or not), are after having been admonished without avail to be punished with personal interdict or with excommunication (Canon 2356).
In reference to [Cardinals Release Declaration of Faith - Answer Dubia]:
6. Persons who are divorced and civilly remarried, and who are unwilling to live in continence, are living in a situation that is objectively contrary to the law of God, and therefore cannot receive Eucharistic Communion.