Ukraine: Catholic Priests Have to Go to War

On 3 April 2024 a meeting took place between Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, a delegation of Catholic bishops and the Protestants of Ukraine.

Zelensky congratulated the bishops and Protestants on Easter and wished Ukraine success in its war against Russia. On the agenda was the issue of priests being drafted into the army.

The following diocesan bishops were present at the meeting: Pavlo Honcharuk, 46 (Kharkov-Zaporozhye), Stanislav Shirokoradiuk, 67 (Odessa-Simferopol), Leon Dubravski, 74 (Kamianets-Podilskyi), Mykola Luchok, 50 (Mukachevo), Vitaly Kryvytskyi, 51 (Kiev-Zhytomyr), Vitaly Skomarovskyi, 60 (Lutsk).

Mgr. Kryvytskyi (Kiev-Zhytomyr) stressed that the mobilisation of parish priests or humanitarian workers would create major problems.

Auxiliary Bishop Oleksandr Yazlovetskyi (Kiev-Zhytomyr), President of Caritas-Spes, stressed that priests will also have to join the fight when the new law on mobilisation comes into force on 18 May.

All religious denominations will be affected, Latin, Greek Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant and all clergy, with only exceptions based on age, number of children or state of health. Until now, priests, religious and seminarians were exempt from military service.

The exemption has been lifted for anyone between the ages of 25 and 60 who is not disabled or has fewer than three children.

This law will increase the army by 13,000 soldiers. According to Mgr Yazlovetskyi, this is "not much", but it's a lot compared to "the help they can bring to the population".

He also complained that other categories, such as circus performers, are still excluded from mobilisation.

In addition, military chaplaincy posts for the Catholic Church remain vacant, although some priests asked to become military chaplains at the start of the war.

However, the posts were numerically distributed according to religious denomination, and to become a military chaplain the priests needed a qualification 'recognised' by the regime. Those who have studied at diocesan seminaries don't receive such a recognition.

Picture: Ukrainian Greek Catholic Information Office, #newsUptczyqxfk

Jeffrey Ade
Perfect! The synogue of satan in Russia and the Ukraine will be able to completely wipe out any hope of spiritual renewal in the Ukraine preparing it for the future homeland of Zelensky's hinderer's! See this.. Russian who allegedly predicted Chechen wars also predicted shift of Jewish power from Israel to Russia, Fitzpatrick Informer Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Hmm, all religious denominations, including Latin, Greek Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, and all clergy and priests, will be affected. Looking at Zelenksy's Jewish upbringing it's plausible.
Dr Bobus
Does death refer to those times when opponents of (Ras)Putin accidentally fall out of 4th story windows?
Dr Bobus
The Church is not a denomination. Protestant sects are denominations.
This is wrong on so many levels. If the Orthodox have valid holy orders, as do the Latin and Eastern rite Catholics, it disrupts the spiritual heirarchy since the priest is in persona Christi. The integral medieval society was ordered on eclessiastics, knights, and laymen. While the laymen could serve as soldiers, the warrior class or knights were responsible for defending and fighting for the Church …More
This is wrong on so many levels. If the Orthodox have valid holy orders, as do the Latin and Eastern rite Catholics, it disrupts the spiritual heirarchy since the priest is in persona Christi. The integral medieval society was ordered on eclessiastics, knights, and laymen. While the laymen could serve as soldiers, the warrior class or knights were responsible for defending and fighting for the Church and king. The priest is not a warrior but the spiritual father of the soldiers. Even the crusading military orders, such as the Templars and Hospitaliers were lay religious. The orders priest chaplains were responsible for administering the sacraments and religious duties of the order but not for combat.