Who grew up with that, too?
Carol H
We live in damp, soggy Ireland. I LOVE my dryer :)
I did and still do.
Opera 369
Yup, "the latest technology" they should call it AI ---(just to be more technological) maybe the Davos and WHO geniuses will add it to their 2030 agenda..... 😎
Ivan Tomas
We grew up with it and using it 50+ years later. When we have outside a bad weather then there are ropes inside, in the drafty attic. There is a huge difference when laundry is dryed by sun and wind outside, it smells and feels more nicely and softy then inside. We haven't and will never use any drayer machine.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Maybe I'm too young , 28, but I've never seen anyone hang their clothes on ropes outside. I do think though, that it would make the clothes smell fresh and clean.
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Well what I wrote was 60+ years ago. And I grew up in a rural setting. Don't think all those clotheslines hung from tenement house in big U.S. cities in the 19th & early 20th century would have that "Bounty fresh" smell. 😂
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Orthocat - 😂 😂 ----Definitly not. Probably would smell like soot and grime. But at a house in the suburbs or rural setting like you grew up in, I would think it was a very good fragrance.
I'm a Summer person myself, but I also like the late Fall, when the air is crisp and you can feel Winter on the way. I'd bet the sheets or other clothes had a very clean smell then. I'd like to try it at our …More
@Orthocat - 😂 😂 ----Definitly not. Probably would smell like soot and grime. But at a house in the suburbs or rural setting like you grew up in, I would think it was a very good fragrance.
I'm a Summer person myself, but I also like the late Fall, when the air is crisp and you can feel Winter on the way. I'd bet the sheets or other clothes had a very clean smell then. I'd like to try it at our house....just as an experiment. But my family would probably think I was crazy since we had a big laundry room with washers and dryers.🤪
John A Cassani
My grandmother was hanging her clothes until she was at least 85.
My mom only used a dryer machine in the winter when it was too cold to hang laundry outside. Or if it was raining. I think it made clothes smell cleaner! 🤗