
Catholic Church should apologize to gays, says papal adviser Cardinal Marx

Pete Baklinski | DUBLIN, Ireland, June 24, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) --

One of Pope Francis’ leading advisors has declared that the Catholic Church should publicly apologize to homosexuals for what he called its scandalous and terrible treatment of them.

The comments by German Cardinal Reinhard Marx, one of the council of nine cardinals chosen by Pope Francis to advise him, were reported in the Irish Times June 23.

“The history of homosexuals in our societies is very bad because we’ve done a lot to marginalize [them],” he said, adding that as a Church and as a society “we’ve also to say ‘sorry, sorry.’”

The Cardinal, who is the Archbishop of Munich and Freising, said that up until “very recently” the Catholic Church had been “very negative about gay people,” adding that “it was a scandal and terrible.”

It was almost three years ago when Pope Francis uttered his famous statement “Who am I to judge” regarding homosexuality that signified to many a new direction they thought the Pope intended to move the Church on the topics of marriage and sexuality.

Cardinal Marx suggested in the interview that the Church ought to look favorably on same-sex relationships, but would not go as far as calling those relationships “marriage.”

“We have to respect the decisions of people. We have to respect also, as I said in the first synod on the family — some were shocked, but I think it’s normal — you cannot say that a relationship between a man and a man, and they are faithful, [that] that is nothing, that has no worth,” he said.

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In the old days, the English word "apology" meant "to express regret for something that one has done wrong". Today the word "apology" means "to flatter the powerful". Bergoglio and Marx seem to feel a need to kneel down in front of the homosex lobby.
Antipope Francis has said so many blasphemies and heresies... some of them were kind of 'in your face heresy' but people don't want to listen, why is this? Because 90% of Catholics don't know their faith well, 90% of Catholics practice in deed or creed some of the popular evils of the world like contraception, abortion, homosexuality, euthanasia, etc... 80% of Catholics don't go to mass and don't …More
Antipope Francis has said so many blasphemies and heresies... some of them were kind of 'in your face heresy' but people don't want to listen, why is this? Because 90% of Catholics don't know their faith well, 90% of Catholics practice in deed or creed some of the popular evils of the world like contraception, abortion, homosexuality, euthanasia, etc... 80% of Catholics don't go to mass and don't use the sacrament of confession... and to put the cherry on top on the 90%, the 100% don't believe in one or more sacrament.

Why most people defend and cheer for this antipope? Because they love to sin and defend their 'right' to sin and others... No one can tell me that apologizing to gays for their wicked and scandalous behavior comes from God.
About apologizing to all millions of babies that have been aborted and some clergy have not mentioned or even said the catholics talk too much about abortion ,what about that ?