holyrope 3
Flash Mob Appears At ASH WEDNESDAY MASS.... Oh, the novus ordo at it again....More
Flash Mob Appears At ASH WEDNESDAY MASS....

Oh, the novus ordo at it again....
holyrope 3
Wow...dont they realize that the Mass is how we celebrate the Faith! Good Lord please move in that parish to re-envigor your people there to turn back to Tradition! Amen
modernism at its best/worstMore
Wow...dont they realize that the Mass is how we celebrate the Faith! Good Lord please move in that parish to re-envigor your people there to turn back to Tradition! Amen

modernism at its best/worst
poor children,not being taught the traditions of our holy Fathers... sad.....the "hermeneutic of discontinuity".. 🤨
Those poor children.
That poor parish.
It was entertainment, not worship.
It was originally done at a school talent show. It should have stayed there.
The students were facing away from the altar. Why?
To whom was the song and dance routine addressed?
They were not singing the song. It was a recording.
The lyrics were a vague paraphrase of Ruth's words to her mother-in-law.
It had nothing to do with …More
Those poor children.
That poor parish.
It was entertainment, not worship.
It was originally done at a school talent show. It should have stayed there.
The students were facing away from the altar. Why?
To whom was the song and dance routine addressed?
They were not singing the song. It was a recording.
The lyrics were a vague paraphrase of Ruth's words to her mother-in-law.
It had nothing to do with Lent, or penance, or the Liturgy.
It was not really a "flash mob" as commonly understood.
The principal thinks that this will "really get the kids interested" ... in what?
Holy Cannoli
This was not a “flash mob.” It was a form of child abuse conceived by the music director ( a real prize that woman) who openly admitted that her reason for the spectacle was that “flash mobs are popular on You Tube.”
I prefer to attend the TLM but still attend the N.O. as I did today. This type of nonsense does not occur at “my” church nor do any of the other multitude of abuses that have been …More
This was not a “flash mob.” It was a form of child abuse conceived by the music director ( a real prize that woman) who openly admitted that her reason for the spectacle was that “flash mobs are popular on You Tube.”

I prefer to attend the TLM but still attend the N.O. as I did today. This type of nonsense does not occur at “my” church nor do any of the other multitude of abuses that have been highlighted at Gloria. The N.O. can be offered reverently (operative words are “can be”) and Fr. John Hardon did so (speaking from personal experience) along with many others who do so today.

Oh dear....... 🤨
holyrope 3
Typical novus ordo,...pastors letting the people run the show, in the Church, the schools and chanceleries....
Oh how right was Bishop Fulton Sheen and Fr. John Hardon when they both said "If you want your children to get a Catholic Education, do Not send them to Catholic schools." 🙏More
Typical novus ordo,...pastors letting the people run the show, in the Church, the schools and chanceleries....

Oh how right was Bishop Fulton Sheen and Fr. John Hardon when they both said "If you want your children to get a Catholic Education, do Not send them to Catholic schools." 🙏