
Francis Effect: Italians Stop Supporting the Church

Since Francis’ elections the number of Italians who destine a mandatory cult tax (otto per mille) to the Church has dropped by two million, IlMessagero.it (July 15) reports.

The reason is simple: Francis alienates the Catholics by championing the anticlerical political left, while rebuffing the moderate forces who traditionally support the Church.

For reasons connected to the tax system, the decline in support will show its financial consequences only from next year on.

This year, the Italian Church received 1,1 billion euro from the State. As a comparison: The German Cologne Archdiocese, alone makes annually 700 million euros from the State tax.

Picture: © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsMdbpgsyurc
Serves him right!
Our dear leader.... of the homomafia
Who wants to support a FrancisInvasion of the Mohammadans whose feet Bergoglio kisses so tenderly? The money would be blown on those invaders, heresy and whatever else takes the fancy of those Conciliar sodomites. Coccopalmiero parties would be an example of that. No money for faggotry. Restore the Faith.