The Turin Shroud is a fake… and it’s one of 40

Photo ~ The Turin Shroud was believed to have covered Jesus, but a leading Church historian says it is one of many produced over a thousand years after his death

The Turin Shroud is a fake… and it’s one of 40: Historian claims linen cloths were produced 1,300 years after crucifixion

Not only is the Turin Shroud probably a medieval fake but it is just one of an astonishing 40 so-called burial cloths of Jesus, according to an eminent church historian.

Antonio Lombatti said the false shrouds circulated in the Middle Ages, but most of them were later destroyed.

He said the Turin Shroud itself – showing an image of a bearded man and venerated for centuries as Christ’s burial cloth – appears to have originated in Turkey some 1,300 years after the Crucifixion.

The Turin Shroud is a linen cloth, about 14ft by 4ft, bearing a front and back view of the image of a bearded, naked man who appears to have been stabbed or tortured. Ever since the detail on the cloth was revealed by negative photography in the late 19th century it has attracted thousands of pilgrims to the Cathedral of St John the Baptist in Turin.

In a research paper to be published this month in the scholarly journal Studi Medievali, Lombatti says the shroud was most likely given to French knight Geoffroy de Charny as a memento from a crusade to Smyrna, Turkey, in 1346. The de Charny family are the first recorded owners of the shroud.

The Catholic Church has never officially commented on the shroud’s authenticity, but has made samples available to scientists for testing.

Read more:…/The-Turin-Shrou…
"Before the Shroud, the intense and agonizing image of an unspeakable torment, I wish to thank the Lord for this unique gift, which asks for the believer's loving attention and complete willingness to follow the Lord
...The Shroud is a challenge to our intelligence.…More

"Before the Shroud, the intense and agonizing image of an unspeakable torment, I wish to thank the Lord for this unique gift, which asks for the believer's loving attention and complete willingness to follow the Lord

...The Shroud is a challenge to our intelligence. It first of all requires of every person, particularly the researcher, that he humbly grasp the profound message it sends to his reason and his life. The mysterious fascination of the Shroud forces questions to be raised about the sacred Linen and the historical life of Jesus

..Whoever approaches it is also aware that the Shroud does not hold people's hearts to itself, but turns them to him, at whose service the Father's loving providence has put it. Therefore, it is right to foster an awareness of the precious value of this image, which everyone sees and no one at present can explain. For every thoughtful person it is a reason for deep reflection, which can even involve one's life. The Shroud is thus a truly unique sign that points to Jesus, the true Word of the Father, and invites us to pattern our lives on the life of the One who gave himself for us.

From the ENEA report…/sacra-sindone-h…

"Science is still not able to explain how the body image was formed on the Shroud. As a partial justification, Scientists complain that it is impossible to take direct measurements on the Shroud cloth. In fact, the latest in situ experimental analysis of the physical and chemical properties of the body image of the Shroud was carried out in 1978 by a group of 31 scientists under the aegis of the Shroud of Turin Research Project, Inc. (STURP). The scientists used modern equipment for the time, made available by several manufacturers for a market value of two and a half million dollars, and took a number of non-destructive infrared spectroscopy measurements, visible and ultraviolet, X-ray fluorescence, thermograph, pyrolysis, mass spectrometry, micro-Raman analysis, transmission photograph, microscopy, removal of fibrils and micro-chemical tests”. The analysis carried out on the Shroud did not find significant amounts of pigments (dyes, paints) nor traces of designs. Based on the results of dozens of measurements, the STURP researchers concluded that the body image is not painted nor printed, nor obtained by heating. Furthermore, the color of the image resides on the outer surface of the fibrils that make up the threads of the cloth, and recent measurements of fragments of the Shroud show that the thickness of staining is extremely thin, around 200 nm = 200 billionths of a meter, or one fifth of a thousandth of a millimeter, which corresponds to the thickness of the primary cell wall of the so-called single linen fiber. We recall that a single linen thread is made up of about 200 fibril"
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Kindly restrict your comments to the material contained in the news article. Even when an article from a secular source is critical of the Church, avoid making non-substantive remarks that are lacking in good reason which do nothing to counter the points made in the article itself…More
The News-Briefs articles often come from secular news sources and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Gloria.TV.

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Think and make points that appeal to reason and that have the power to convince. If one intends to defend the Catholic faith in an increasing pagan world, one must be prepared to give substantive rebuttals to the arguments made by the many critics of the Catholic faith.

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A. Principe
Bad logic...flawed historiography. There were known fakes that circulated during the medieval period, therefore this one must be a fake. There have been forgeries of famous paintings in history, but that doesn't prove that that the original doesn't exist. Recent carbon dating of areas of the cloth from areas that were not damaged by the fire and repaired by medieval nuns, shows it to be of the 1st …More
Bad logic...flawed historiography. There were known fakes that circulated during the medieval period, therefore this one must be a fake. There have been forgeries of famous paintings in history, but that doesn't prove that that the original doesn't exist. Recent carbon dating of areas of the cloth from areas that were not damaged by the fire and repaired by medieval nuns, shows it to be of the 1st century A.D. Moreover, the pollen extrapolated from the cloth in the most recent tests, showed it to be from plants that are indigenous, only, to Israel and Palestine areas. The plants are not indigenous to Turkey.
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
Kindly restrict your comments to the material contained in the news article. Even when an article from a secular source is critical of the Church, avoid making non-substantive remarks that are lacking in good reason which do nothing to counter the points made in the article itself. Ad hominem
In the video below, the head of the STURP team discounted all those disputing the C14 tests as the lunatic fringe. He tried to show that the samples received did not have any cotton in it from French reweaving as claimed by 'lunatics'. He examined a piece of the sample that remained at his laboratory and was shocked and angered to find out the scientists were given bad samples which were half medieval …More
In the video below, the head of the STURP team discounted all those disputing the C14 tests as the lunatic fringe. He tried to show that the samples received did not have any cotton in it from French reweaving as claimed by 'lunatics'. He examined a piece of the sample that remained at his laboratory and was shocked and angered to find out the scientists were given bad samples which were half medieval cotton. The cotton was dyed to look like linen where the nuns repaired a fraying edge which was expertly reweaved in to the main cloth.
Holy Cannoli
While Pope Benedict joins the ranks of those who believe the sepia-colored shroud is the burial cloth of Jesus Christ, skeptics dismiss it as an ingenious medieval forgery that radiocarbon testing has dated about 800 years old.
The Vatican which owns the linen cloth, has in the past tiptoed around the issue, describing it as a potent symbol of Jesus Christ’s suffering but never asserting outright …
While Pope Benedict joins the ranks of those who believe the sepia-colored shroud is the burial cloth of Jesus Christ, skeptics dismiss it as an ingenious medieval forgery that radiocarbon testing has dated about 800 years old.

The Vatican which owns the linen cloth, has in the past tiptoed around the issue, describing it as a potent symbol of Jesus Christ’s suffering but never asserting outright its authenticity.

Pope John Paul II visited the Shroud when it last went on public display in 1998, but he said the Catholic Church had "no specific competence” to pronounce on its authenticity and urged further scientific analysis.…/Pope-Benedict-s…
Maybe Senior Lambatti ain't been keeping up with current events. There are way too many inexplicable issues about the Shroud, to seriously contemplate a medieval fake. His claim is not credible on the face of it.
Damascus Route
If it were to be a fake, I suppose that it would then just show that science can't really explain everything.
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
The News-Briefs articles often come from secular news sources and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Gloria.TV.
Kindly restrict your comments to the material contained in the news article. Even when an article from a secular source is critical of the Church, avoid making non-substantive remarks that are lacking in good reason which do nothing to counter the points made in the article itself…More
The News-Briefs articles often come from secular news sources and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Gloria.TV.

Kindly restrict your comments to the material contained in the news article. Even when an article from a secular source is critical of the Church, avoid making non-substantive remarks that are lacking in good reason which do nothing to counter the points made in the article itself. Ad hominem

Think and make points that appeal to reason and that have the power to convince. If one intends to defend the Catholic faith in an increasing pagan world, one must be prepared to give substantive rebuttals to the arguments made by the many critics of the Catholic faith.

Thank you for your cooperation.
A. Principe

1 Peter 3:
15 But sanctify the Lord Christ in your hearts, being ready always to satisfy every one that asketh you a reason of that hope which is in you.