
New Hampshire Corruption Drove Father MacRae's Conviction. By Claire Best

A researcher unravels a trail of financial corruption behind the cases of Father Gordon MacRae in the Diocese of Manchester and Owen Labrie at St. Paul’s School. For the last 29 years, Father Gordon …More
A researcher unravels a trail of financial corruption behind the cases of Father Gordon MacRae in the Diocese of Manchester and Owen Labrie at St. Paul’s School.
For the last 29 years, Father Gordon MacRae, 70, has been denied justice, relegated to Concord Men’s Prison in New Hampshire.
Despite an ex-FBI agent’s 3-year investigation, a Pulitzer prize-winning Wall Street Journalist’s multi-part exposé, even a current investigation into the police officer who framed him, nothing has thus far moved the needle — except perhaps in the court of public opinion.
Finally in 2023, the pieces of this puzzle have come together to explain why this might be: The New Hampshire Department for Children, Youth and Families (DCYF), some New Hampshire Police, local attorneys, the “compliance officer” for the Diocese of Manchester, and the Attorney General’s office have been involved in a racket.
For Father Gordon MacRae to get justice, they would all risk being exposed in an organized crime to frame him …More
Ryan A MacDonald
I have been following Claire Best's writing at Medium.com where she publishes regularly. What people are seeing in this post appears to be the culmination of a scandal she has been unveiling piece by piece over many months. I have had mixed reactions. When I first read her articles my response was "This can't be true." Then as the scandal story deepened, I told myself, "This can't ALL be true." Then …More
I have been following Claire Best's writing at Medium.com where she publishes regularly. What people are seeing in this post appears to be the culmination of a scandal she has been unveiling piece by piece over many months. I have had mixed reactions. When I first read her articles my response was "This can't be true." Then as the scandal story deepened, I told myself, "This can't ALL be true." Then after reading this monster of an exposé, I accepted that this must be true. All the supposed gatekeepers are in this story. It is comprised of judges, the politicians who appointed them, attorneys general who became them, rank and file prosecutors, clearly corrupt police, and a statewide news media more interested in the weather than in what its corrupt government is up to. We like to think that this sort of thing cannot happen, but it has happened many times in many places. We would all love to see this exposed but the people who would do the exposing are all in the story. A Purple Heart goes to Claire Best. She is just the sort of whistleblower the corruption in this country needs. Ms. Best is on a par with Miranda Devine, who exposed the Laptop from Hell in spite of many efforts to silence her.
Jeffrey Ade
Super duper heavy!