Enemies Within. by Trevor Loudon. Could your congressman pass an FBI Security Check? “The Enemies Within Series” zooms in on the best-kept secret of modern politics. Almost no one is aware of the fact …More
Enemies Within.
by Trevor Loudon.
Could your congressman pass an FBI Security Check?
“The Enemies Within Series” zooms in on the best-kept secret of modern politics. Almost no one is aware of the fact that fewer than 20,000 U.S. communists, socialists and extreme “progressives” are able to influence the politicians and even write the laws that control the lives of over 300 million Americans. Tiny communist minority, aided by a cowardly and often complicit “mainstream media”, is tearing apart the greatest nation ever built on God’s Earth.
THE ENEMIES WITHIN “The Enemies Within” zooms in on the best-kept secret of modern politics. Almost no one is aware of the fact that fewer than 20,000 U.S. communists, socialists and extreme “progressives” are able to influence the politicians and even write the laws that control the lives of over 300 million Americans. Tiny communist minority, aided by a cowardly and often complicit “mainstream media”, is tearing apart the greatest nation ever built on …More
No America was NOT founded on freemason principles. Just because a few were involved. Since when is limited governement, constitutional republic, divided powers, freedom of Speech,Religion,Defence, etc. a freemason principle?
Ave Crux
@malemp: you happen to be right about the freemasonic principles which founded this country.
Here is a link to a heavily-researched book written by a leading, respected, traditional, Catholic apologist who does a complete postmortem of American history and its founding.
He provides clear evidence this is the case:
@malemp: you happen to be right about the freemasonic principles which founded this country.

Here is a link to a heavily-researched book written by a leading, respected, traditional, Catholic apologist who does a complete postmortem of American history and its founding.

He provides clear evidence this is the case:

Dr Bobus
You are right that masons played a great part in the foundation of the US. The structure of government, however, owes much to that of Ancient Rome. Thus, the neo classical architecture in Washington DC.
You are wildlying wrong about why Argentina is broke. Does the name Juan Peron sound familiar? Argentina was a rich country after WWII, but stupid Argentinian government caused the problems. …More

You are right that masons played a great part in the foundation of the US. The structure of government, however, owes much to that of Ancient Rome. Thus, the neo classical architecture in Washington DC.

You are wildlying wrong about why Argentina is broke. Does the name Juan Peron sound familiar? Argentina was a rich country after WWII, but stupid Argentinian government caused the problems.

Argentina is top 20 or so among nations in GDP. There no reason to be broke. Ditto Venezuela--do you also blame the US for Venezuelan problems?

I won't even mention the debacle of the Falklands
Joseph a' Christian
@malemp - One of the most repulsive displays of the masonics here in North America, is the painting: “The Apotheosis of Washington.” It is on the ceiling of the capitol building. I had to look up the word apotheosis, it means, a man becomes a god. This blasphemous painting of the masonics, has goddesses beside their god Washington. When the slave owner Washington was alive, his satanic gang of …More
@malemp - One of the most repulsive displays of the masonics here in North America, is the painting: “The Apotheosis of Washington.” It is on the ceiling of the capitol building. I had to look up the word apotheosis, it means, a man becomes a god. This blasphemous painting of the masonics, has goddesses beside their god Washington. When the slave owner Washington was alive, his satanic gang of masonics called him, worshipful master.
Our Church has many enemies: muhammads, communists, jews,
Jesus our Lord, bless you brother.
Im not insulting you fanatic yankee, im telling the truth the nation was founded by freemasons, constitution, institutions and law are based on freemasonic , liberal principles , the people is another thing, and sorry to say that the worst anti-catholic sects : Mormons, Jehovas Witness etc etc born in this freemasonic country , thatS a fact. .....we southamericans are almost slaves of the dollar, …More
Im not insulting you fanatic yankee, im telling the truth the nation was founded by freemasons, constitution, institutions and law are based on freemasonic , liberal principles , the people is another thing, and sorry to say that the worst anti-catholic sects : Mormons, Jehovas Witness etc etc born in this freemasonic country , thatS a fact. .....we southamericans are almost slaves of the dollar, another if you dont see reality , again sorry for my bad englinsh
Holy Cannoli
You freely came to the English side of GTV and maliciously and brazenly insulted the entire United States with your intemperate comment. USA is "the" Freemasonic country, sorry but its true
In addition, your English writing skill (and likely your spoken English also) in inferior to even an elementary educated student in the United States. 👌
Look maricon, you are a loser. Why don't you stay on …More
You freely came to the English side of GTV and maliciously and brazenly insulted the entire United States with your intemperate comment. USA is "the" Freemasonic country, sorry but its true

In addition, your English writing skill (and likely your spoken English also) in inferior to even an elementary educated student in the United States. 👌
Look maricon, you are a loser. Why don't you stay on the Spanish board where people as ignorant as you should be? 😜
Holy Cannoli THE TRUTH is that, try you to write in spanish ? SUCKER
Holy Cannoli
Argentina is broke _ but IT is broke Because OF traitors AND freemasonic presidents who serve your country and England AND ARE masters of the great LODGE, just ALONG with FMI THE IMF and Wallstreet , Rockefellers, Soros and THE CIA... we have HAD enough (end the sentence with a period)
Argentina is broke _ but IT is broke Because OF traitors AND freemasonic presidents who serve your country and England AND ARE masters of the great LODGE, just ALONG with FMI THE IMF and Wallstreet , Rockefellers, Soros and THE CIA... we have HAD enough (end the sentence with a period)
The above is written by a poorly educated delusional individual with a persecution complex. He ought to see a therapist soon. 👌
Only the tip of an iceberg... See Daniel Estulin on the Bilderbergs and the Tavistock Institute on social engineering for the masses, available from Amazon.
Pius XII urged Catholics to vote against Italian Communists to save Italy:
"The Decree Against Communism was a 1949 Catholic Church document issued by the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office, and approved by Pope Pius XII, which …More
Only the tip of an iceberg... See Daniel Estulin on the Bilderbergs and the Tavistock Institute on social engineering for the masses, available from Amazon.
Pius XII urged Catholics to vote against Italian Communists to save Italy:
"The Decree Against Communism was a 1949 Catholic Church document issued by the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office, and approved by Pope Pius XII, which declared Catholics who professed Communist doctrine to be excommunicated as apostates from the Christian faith."[Wikipedia]
Argentina is broke _ but is broke cause traitors freemasonic presidents who serve your country and England masters of the great LODGE, just with FMI and Wallstreet , Rockefellers, Soros , Plannedparenthood and CIA... we have enough 🤦 hly moron
Holy Cannoli
How is this possible? 😲
Holy Cannoli
Your initial comment was:
USA is "the" Freemasonic country, sorry but its true
Does that mean I’m a Mason? Is the entire population of the US (325 Million people) all Masons?
Have there been and are there Masons in the US? You bet. Have there been presidents who were Masons? Yes.
But, guess what? They are all over including the Catholic Church.
It’s amusing, in a way, to watch an idiot compound …More
Your initial comment was:
USA is "the" Freemasonic country, sorry but its true

Does that mean I’m a Mason? Is the entire population of the US (325 Million people) all Masons?

Have there been and are there Masons in the US? You bet. Have there been presidents who were Masons? Yes.
But, guess what? They are all over including the Catholic Church.

It’s amusing, in a way, to watch an idiot compound his idiocy by writing more nonsense. You made your stupid generalization without any facts, information, references, or data to support it and only later have you added several presidents to support your claim.

In short, you write that the US is “the” Freemasonic country inferring that the entire US population are Masons. That is obviously NOT TRUE and you need to be more careful in your thoughtless comments.

Your generalization supports my contention that anyone who would make such a non-substantiated absurd assertion is, indeed, stupid. It would be equivalent to my telling you to remain in your backward Argentinian Communist hellhole where the education levels are obviously inferior to the US as clearly illustrated by your own stupid posts.

My advise to you is to refrain from posting to me again. I’ve tried to be ‘nice’ up till now but I have little patience in dealing with idiots.
HOLY go and learn some history who are the fathers : washington and franklin, and all the bunch of puritans expelled from the anglican heretics, the stupid is yourself
Holy Cannoli
There are various levels of stupid comments made on this website but the following raises stupidity to a completely different level.
USA is "the" Freemasonic country, sorry but its trueMore
There are various levels of stupid comments made on this website but the following raises stupidity to a completely different level.

USA is "the" Freemasonic country, sorry but its true
USA is "the" Freemasonic country, sorry but its true
Wow, this really show the Enemies within our Government.