
Father Rosica at Mental Health Facility

Father Thomas Rosica, 60, a gay-activist and former Holy See spokesman, resides presently at the Southdown Institute near Toronto, Canada, a mental health and addictions treatment facility serving clergy and religious.

He has been there since early September, VoxCantor.blogspot.com (September 17) reports.

Rosica retired from the spotlight leaving his position as Chief Executive Officer of Salt and Light Catholic Media Foundation, after it surfaced that he had engaged in extended plagiarism.

For instance, in a heavily-plagiarized February 8 speech at Cambridge University, he accused Whistle-Blower Archbishop Viganò of “lies” and called his witness “diabolical masterpiece.”

In the past, Rosica insulted Catholics as “Taliban” and slammed pro-lifers.

Picture: Thomas Rosica, © Chris Adamczyk, CC BY-SA, #newsPlwhwbvkah
Just wait.....after two weeks of rest and relaxation in this spa he will show up at the Amazon Synod as spokesman with all the other homoheretics.
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle