BREAKING: US Military on Ukraine Border Will Enter Conflict Wait for it... Get Thyrosafe for Nuclear and radiological emergencies (limited stock due to global demand) Thyrosafe Potassium Iodide Tablets …More
BREAKING: US Military on Ukraine Border Will Enter Conflict
Wait for it...
Get Thyrosafe for Nuclear and radiological emergencies (limited stock due to global demand)
Thyrosafe Potassium Iodide Tablets, 65 Mg, 20-Count (Anti Radiation Tablets)
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Servant Of Divine Mercy
Amazon fund abortion when you buy and sell on Amazon.
Michael B Kozachenko
So true I'm leaving next month out of this country Canada . Not a good place to be North America in a whole. ✌️
I'v sent today to my whatsupp and signal contacts this message - if we get a call to arms (In Poland), send it to US embassy because this is US war, not ours.
The exact Potassium Iodine is available for $25 (instead of $40) on Amazon. a.co/d/dZ8P7e3
Servant Of Divine Mercy
Amazon fund abortion when you buy and sell on Amazon.
I am not going to save my life with this or that, to live on this awful earth. If Russia attacks Poland and rockets flyies over my house, bombs explode near me, me and my wife are not going to fear and escape. If atomic rocket explodes near us or radioactive cloud comes, we have Lugol liquid, but are not going to escape. We prefer to leave this world than live and see how bad ghost are going to …More
I am not going to save my life with this or that, to live on this awful earth. If Russia attacks Poland and rockets flyies over my house, bombs explode near me, me and my wife are not going to fear and escape. If atomic rocket explodes near us or radioactive cloud comes, we have Lugol liquid, but are not going to escape. We prefer to leave this world than live and see how bad ghost are going to smash people by hunger, poverty, diseases, lack of everything. Lord Jesus come !