Sally Dorman
Approximately every 10 hours a person in San Francisco dies of a fentanyl overdose. The majority of fentanyl trafficked into the US is coming from Mexican cartels. In 2022 the DEA seized enough fentanyl …More
Approximately every 10 hours a person in San Francisco dies of a fentanyl overdose. The majority of fentanyl trafficked into the US is coming from Mexican cartels. In 2022 the DEA seized enough fentanyl to kill every American!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
These pictures remind me of India. When I was 12, my parents and my brothers and sisters made our usuall every-other-year trip back to Japan to visit relatives for a month or two in Summer. But coming hme one year, my Dad surprised us with a two week trip at end of August to India, because he thought the experience and history of the country would be enlightening. For many,many good reasons, it was …More
These pictures remind me of India. When I was 12, my parents and my brothers and sisters made our usuall every-other-year trip back to Japan to visit relatives for a month or two in Summer. But coming hme one year, my Dad surprised us with a two week trip at end of August to India, because he thought the experience and history of the country would be enlightening. For many,many good reasons, it was. But unfortunatly, it was the first time I (we) had ever seen sights like this now widespread in the USA. That's why I say it reminds me of India.
Lord help us. It is interesting that Trevor is not bent over like his fellow sufferers and is seemingly lucid. It may not have the same effect on him as it does others? I don't know. I find it strange. It is also curious that all these people are bent over as they are. Is that what fentanyl does? Why? What a scourge upon us.