Pope Francis Will Not Present “Excuses” Pope Francis Will Not Present “Excuses” Pope Francis will resist anti-Catholic pressure from the part of the controversial Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau …More
Pope Francis Will Not Present “Excuses”

Pope Francis Will Not Present “Excuses”

Pope Francis will resist anti-Catholic pressure from the part of the controversial Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau and not present “excuses” for the wonderful work Catholic residential schools have done in favour of the indigenous people in Canada. This work has been systematically vilified by a state commission obsessed with emphasizing alleged abuses and downplaying the good work performed by hundreds of generous religious.

Kamil Stoch Flies With God

The Polish athlete Kamil Stoch who is considered to be the most successful ski jumper in the history of the sport, has said in a March interview with Polish TV that – quote - “everything is in the right place if God is in the first place.” Stoch is a Catholic. After having won a competition this Palm Sunday in Planica, Slovenia, he was on the podium holding blessed palms in his hands.

A Strongly Growing Diocese

Bishop Bernt Eidsvig of Oslo, Norway, has announced on his diocesan webpage that Oslo diocese will be re-structured in order to respond to the needs of a Catholic community that experiences – quote – “a strong growth”.

Spanish Flag At Half-Mast For Death of Christ

The Spanish flag will fly at half-mast on all military buildings including the Ministry of Defence in Madrid during Holy Week to commemorate the death of Christ. The Spanish military will also take part in 152 parades and celebrations to mark Holy Week in 80 cities across the country this year.
Trudeau is pro everything is against God, and thevCatholic Church, he's only an actor with fancy customs.
Why excuses...? It´s nothing new that criminals as the Canadian minister are received in the control center.
“A Catholic Easter” 👍🏼
Finally some good news from the Vatican regarding the secularist ,pro abort Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau