Angels & Exorcists: Latest Issue of "The Angelus" angeluspress.org/products/angelus-magazin… – Hello, I’m Father John Carlisle, Priest of the Society of St. Pius X and teacher here in St. Mary’s, …More
Angels & Exorcists: Latest Issue of "The Angelus"

angeluspress.org/products/angelus-magazin… – Hello, I’m Father John Carlisle, Priest of the Society of St. Pius X and teacher here in St. Mary’s, Kansas – at the Academy. I just want to review with you the latest edition of the Angelus Magazine.

This one is on Angels. In our materialistic world, it is a reality all too easily and often overlooked. On the one hand we have the good angels – who guide us, protect us. What is an angel actually? Is it a cartoon or is it a subsistent intellect, a pure spirit. We have an article here on “Love’s Fire – Angels in the Divine Comedy” giving us a glimpse of what are these pure spirits?

On the other hand we have the demons - who are also pure spirits but deformed. A very interesting interview with an exorcist. Question for example, “In the course of the exorcisms which you have performed, how could you recognize the presence of satan?” And very very interesting answers to this.

We also have in the back we have the usual Question & Answer session, section – very relevant for modern Catholics serious about their Faith. For example, “What should we do when asked to attend a relative’s ‘marriage’ that will certainly be invalid in God’s eyes?” Very very insightful answer to the question there by our professors at the seminary.

So, the modern Catholic has to stay connected to his faith. And a great way to do that is the Angelus.