Focus on Others – Technology Detox Challenge. sspx.org/en/challenge - Today’s world is full of distractions. While technology is a tool that can be used for both good or bad, it is often a source of …More
Focus on Others – Technology Detox Challenge.

sspx.org/en/challenge - Today’s world is full of distractions. While technology is a tool that can be used for both good or bad, it is often a source of distraction that weakens our personal relationships and scatters our inner peace.

Focus on the things that truly matter: Faith, Family and Friends.
Unplug your life so that you can focus on living well and encourage others to do the same.

A Community Challenge:

It's up to you to take the challenge and share it with your family and friends. Without your involvement your family and friends may never see this challenge or have the courage to do it themselves. Together we can can change the society but only if we as individuals take action.

Why are we using technology to promote unplugging from technology?

Because technology in itself is not bad - but since it is often misused, we can make a difference now by using it for good, and help others all over the country do the same.

How Does this Work?

It starts with you: Take the first step by signing up. You'll receive an email with a badge showing your participation, which in turn you can share with family and friends. Sharing this idea is vital to its success. With your help, you'll see a return to humanity spread through your home, office, school, and parish!

What are the Challenges?

There are three challenges to choose from. And you can choose a 3-day, 7-day, or "Until Easter" option for each. We have faith that even the most "techy" person can succeed in reducing their dependence on technology for just 3 days.

Option 1: No TV

Instead of using my TV for self-amusement I will give that time to family members and friends.

Option 2: Limited Computer

During this challenge I will use my computer for work and necessities only.

Option 3: Limited Smartphone

I will use my phone for work & necessities only. I will turn on "do not disturb" each evening until morning.

To take the challenge and encourage others, go to sspx.org/en/challenge