
Kazakh bishops: Church Needs Large Families - Not Contraception

The Kazakhstan Bishops have issued a pastoral letter for the 50th anniversary of Paul VI’s encyclical Humanae Vitae which opposes artificial contraception.

The letter consists mainly of quotes taken from HV, John Paul II and Benedict XVI.

It proclaims that “every marital act must of necessity retain its intrinsic relationship to the procreation of human life” (HV, 11) and that any action intended to make the marital act sterile is excluded (HV, 14).

The bishops stress that the entire human history has given sufficient evidence that a true progress of society depends on large families, “This fact applies all the more to the life of the Church.”

Picture: Mons. José Luís Mumbiela Sierra, Almaty, Kazakhstan, #newsOhuqqcjbhg