Sacramento bishop declares Roe v Wade anniversary a Diocesan Day of Reparation

Dear Friends in Christ: January 22, 2018 marks the 45th anniversary of the lamentable 1973 U.S. Supreme Court Decision, Roe v. Wade. In prayerful observance, I designate January 22, 2018 as a Diocesan …More
Dear Friends in Christ:
January 22, 2018 marks the 45th anniversary of the lamentable 1973 U.S. Supreme Court Decision, Roe v. Wade. In prayerful observance, I designate January 22, 2018 as a Diocesan Day of Reparation.
I ask our clergy and laity to join me in cooperating with God’s merciful grace in these ways:
January 20/21: clergy are asked to 1) pray and preach for a merciful end to abortion and a revived promotion of the gospel of life, and 2) encourage all to observe the January 22 Diocesan Day of Reparation.
January 22: all are asked to observe this Day of Reparation through fasting, prayer, penance and works of mercy.
January 22: all are invited to attend the 12:10 p.m. Cathedral Mass and priests are invited to concelebrate with me.
January 22/23: middle and high school students are invited to attend the Choose Life educational program in either Sacramento (1/22) or Yuba City (1/23)
January 27: all are encouraged to participate in the Walk for Life West Coast in San Francisco. …More
The secret about Roe v. Wade which the main medias hide the most, is the Real life of the Lady who's behind the nickname "Roe", her reconciliation with our Holy Mother Church, her penitance and conversion to an absolut supporter of Prolife.