
Now Even Francis Party Attacks His “Reforms”

"This nasty story confirms that Francis' reforms have failed, especially the financial ones.”

These words of an unnamed Francis cardinal were quoted on Corriere.it (October 3). Usually the anti-Catholic Corriere.it strictly avoids criticising Francis.

The cardinal adds, "How shall we explain to the faithful that Francis' Vatican owns a luxury building in Sloane Square, in the heart of one of the most expensive districts of London, where two hundred million euros have been invested in a reckless way?”

Corriere.it comments that Francis shows “a casual use of money at every level” instead of a financial reform.

It speaks of “mismanagement,” “a disastrous selection of controllers,” “reforms announced but not completed,” “a waste of money,” and “an auto-referential bubble in Casa Santa Marta.”

The institution supposed to clean up the Vatican finances “has been beheaded for years,” Corriere.it adds saying that Cardinal Pell was never replaced and the Vatican’s auditor general Libero Milone was sacked because he put his nose into high-level and highly suspicious transactions.


Homoheretics = Financial corruption = loss of faith = hell.
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle
Apparently, it's only money that worries them.