
Hillary Clinton Wants to Make You Pay for 300,000 Abortions Each and Every Year

Hillary Clinton Wants to Make You Pay for 300,000 Abortions Each and Every Year Opinion Dave Andrusko Oct 3, 2016 | 3:56PM Washington, DC There is always a temptation to pass less attention to even …More
Hillary Clinton Wants to Make You Pay for 300,000 Abortions Each and Every Year
Opinion Dave Andrusko Oct 3, 2016 | 3:56PM Washington, DC
There is always a temptation to pass less attention to even the most important events once a significant anniversary comes and goes. But that will not be the case with NRL News Today’s extensive coverage of the 40th anniversary of the life-saving Hyde Amendment which took place September 30.
Our continued emphasis will be ongoing for any number of reasons. Here are three.
#1. There are numerous fault lines that separate pro-life Donald Trump and pro-abortion Hillary Clinton on the issue of abortion. Those include nominees to the Supreme Court; the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act; defunding Planned Parenthood, so long as they perform abortion; and, of course, the Hyde Amendment.
Trump is on the right side of all them, Clinton the wrong side. But with respect to the Hyde Amendment in particular, Clinton has vowed to initiate an all-out offensive …More
Actually, the day is coming when there won't be any need for an abortion. Everyone will be ordering there special order infant from a lab except GOD'S true children. They'll still do things GOD'S way and they'll trust only HIM. The rest of the world will be specifying the hair and eye color, height, ... of their babies from the factory. If machines don't completely replace the need for humans. …More

Actually, the day is coming when there won't be any need for an abortion. Everyone will be ordering there special order infant from a lab except GOD'S true children. They'll still do things GOD'S way and they'll trust only HIM. The rest of the world will be specifying the hair and eye color, height, ... of their babies from the factory. If machines don't completely replace the need for humans.

Jesus didn't waste his time on sinners, I can't understand why the modern day church wastes its time on sinners. Remember, what Jesus said to the prostitute. He wouldn't throw the first stone. He spent his time teaching the Good News and helping those that BELIEVED. He didn't worry about the sinners unless they repented and came to him. He didn't chase them down. We shouldn't either.

Chuck Lentine
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy)
(AKA Cowboy de Dios) 🧐