
Why Does Francis Neglect Paris, Milan, Berlin or Sydney?

"Why does the Pope consistently ignore the pastors of important dioceses such as Milan, Berlin, Paris, Sydney...? - Berlin Father Max Cappabianca O.P. asks on the German bishops' Katholisch.de (…More
"Why does the Pope consistently ignore the pastors of important dioceses such as Milan, Berlin, Paris, Sydney...? - Berlin Father Max Cappabianca O.P. asks on the German bishops' Katholisch.de (September 6), "Are they for him not enough on the periphery?"
For Cappabianca this imbalance poses a problem for the Church's overall leadership: " Thus, the voice of these local Churches is absent, especially in the next conclave."
For him, Francis' selection of the candidates "seems arbitrary beyond a healthy measure."
Cappabianca hopes that the cardinals will have the courage to report this problem frankly ("with courage and parrhesia") to the Pope.
Because he only appoints anti-catholic marxist homoheretics.
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