Xaw Ma

The Fall of Father Dr. Wolfgang Rothe

... And he fell, and his fall was great (Mt 7,27) Fr. Dr. Wolfgang Rothe alias “Whiskey-Vikar” Who is the German priest Dr. Wolfgang Rothe? He is quite widely known (not only in Germany) mainly because …More
... And he fell, and his fall was great (Mt 7,27)
Fr. Dr. Wolfgang Rothe alias “Whiskey-Vikar”
Who is the German priest Dr. Wolfgang Rothe? He is quite widely known (not only in Germany) mainly because of his activity among homosexuals and other sexual minorities. Since 2010, he has openly declared himself homosexual (see [C]). He often talks to journalists and gives interviews. It can be said that he promotes his sexual orientation. For example, in November 2021, a BBC journalist interviewed him in a “homosexual sauna” [F]. Do you know what a "homosexual, gay sauna" is? "A gay bathhouse, also known as a gay sauna or gay steam room, is a place ... where gays, bisexuals and other men can have sex with men" [G]. Wolfgang Rothe himself recalls this meeting: "Today I blessed a homosexual couple on the terrace of the hotel-sauna ... 'Deutsche Eiche'" - one of the most popular meeting places for homosexuals in Munich (although places as high as the "roof terrace" can be dangerous to him -…More
Ed Ward
New version of the film script (v2.1), see also :
Counterattack of the Brotherhood of the 9 Commandments v2.1, Madryt, Madrid, Hiszpania, eHiszpania.com (English & Polish)
Ed Ward
Script for a film titled "Counterattack of the Brotherhood of the Nine Commandments" based partly on the events described here (v2.1). The beginning of the scenario, i.e. the following parts “Introduction", "General assumptions”, “Logline” up to “Synopsis” as in v2.0b, see e.g. here: "Counterattack of the Brotherhood of 9 Commandments" (v2.0b), Anglia, Londyn, Wielka Brytania, opinie, porady …More
Script for a film titled "Counterattack of the Brotherhood of the Nine Commandments" based partly on the events described here (v2.1). The beginning of the scenario, i.e. the following parts “Introduction", "General assumptions”, “Logline” up to “Synopsis” as in v2.0b, see e.g. here: "Counterattack of the Brotherhood of 9 Commandments" (v2.0b), Anglia, Londyn, Wielka Brytania, opinie, porady, dyskusje - GBritain.net

One of the main scenes takes place in a gay sauna. The mafia boss ("capo"), his "Consiliere", the Chaplain and several other gangsters are present (they are partially undressed, leftovers of luxury food, fancy drinks may indicate that some debauchery is coming to an end. They're talking about the movie “The Godfather”. They were deeply impressed by the scene in which a famous film director, who refuses to do a favor for a mafia boss, wakes up terrified in bed with the severed head of his favorite steed. They ask themselves, 'How would we do it in their place? How would we make him such an "offer he couldn't refuse"? ». Their chaplain complains that he has a problem with a certain traditional priest (i.e. a priest of some traditional "Ten Commandments" Christian church) who continues to criticize him in every possible way, verbally and in writing. The boss (capo) agrees to help him. However how to do it?
Gangster1 : I'll break his bones. This will convince him to give up...
Gangster2: Better kidnap someone from his family...
Boss: Shut up, you two!
Someone says: you have to make him “an offer he can’t refuse”! He must be presented with such an offer !
Everyone likes this proposition. Yes, that's a good idea! However how to realize it?
Boss to Consigliere: Think about it...
Consigliere: Do we have a contact with the police where he lives? We need to find someone close to him. We also need to check his background and personal life. Reaching out to his home staff, including a cook, a cleaning lady, a janitor... He himself certainly has some important friends (police, the courts, lawyers) - this must also be taken into account... Do we have any contact with any of the "families" ruling this area?
Consigliere to the Chaplain: first you have to sue him.
Chaplain: However, under what pretext?
Consigliere: You will accuse him of "hate speech"! After all, he hates the followers of our new faith. He is primitive and backward. Either way, we'll have him convicted and discredited. After all, we have among our friends and journalists specialists in discrediting and "kompromats"... We will create a defense and support committee composed of well known figures linked to the Church, moral authorities. Your cause is very important and even interesting: you represent modernity, progress, the future! And your adversary, the old, backward and ruined world... (do I remember correctly that he comes from an obscurantist and backward country in Central and Eastern Europe? Or maybe he is Polish ? Is this your old friend from the seminary - you studied together? ) This is important, even from today's political point of view. point of view! Your example should be spread among teenagers and students! And if necessary, we will also launch some political mechanisms through friendly parliamentarians... They will be interested in you as a new model of a modern approach to religion. So they will organize meetings with young people from schools, interviews in newspapers, on TV... And once the ground is ready, we will deliver a sudden, destabilizing blow! It will be like a bolt from the blue! And then we'll be able to make him an "offer he can't refuse." Let him know that he is not safe, that he is in our hands! However, it may not be easy or cheap…
Capo (Boss): You're right. Indeed, we must make him an "offer" that he cannot refuse. Take care of this personally, consigliere...

Another case : two mafiosi ask the chaplain for a special blessing to properly carry out the responsible and difficult task entrusted to them by the "capo". Their promotion to an elite team tasked with special missions depends on its completion. But the suspicious chaplain wants to know more. This does not satisfy him. He asks for details.... Well, we end up telling him that the task is to kidnap someone important, torture him and finally kill his entire family… The chaplain doesn't want to do that... Which begins to annoy two gangsters (who know him well). After all, you do not pose such problems, you have no resistance when it comes to the sixth commandment. When it comes to sex! You marry gay couples! And the fifth, seventh or sixth commandment: what difference does it make? So why are you having difficulties, why are you bothering???

Another important scene takes place near the Eiffel Tower at night.
The "Chaplain" suddenly wakes up from a heavy (erotic?) sleep (he drank some whiskey and took drugs before going to sleep). It seems to him that someone is attacking him! Is it a dream or a reality ? Is this a continuation of the nightmare? Is the danger real or just imaginary? Not much known.
Stunned, he jumps up and runs out of his hotel... He blindly runs ahead, runs into a fence, crosses it, the huge structure of the Eiffel Tower looms before him, he starts to climb... Suddenly he staggers and falls from a considerable height…

ENG-v2.1 (2024/02/6)
Ed Ward and one more user link to this post
Xaw Ma
Do you draw or paint yourself? And maybe you have a different or better idea for the presentation of 'The Fall of Father Dr. Wolfgang Rothe'? Share it with all of us here – you are welcome!
Anonymous Catholic
Interesting, but disturbing story