
Despite Steroids: Francis Drops Invocation of Our Lady

Since his return from South Sudan, Francis has suppressed the final invocation of the Angelus: "Ora pro nobis, sancta Dei genetrix. Ut digni efficiámur promissionibus Christi” - Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Specola (InfoVaticana.com, February 20) comments, “Let us hope that Francis' constant request that we pray for him does not exclude the intercession of Our Mary.”

He adds, “We know that things are not going well, and that Francis is still undergoing delicate steroid treatment at the Gemelli. His abnormal obesity indicates that the side effects are there, and they are very serious.”


Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Two people in my family or neighbors were on steroids that I can remember, and both gained a hgue abount of weight. My Aunt when she tripped over her cat coming down the stairs and broke her hip, and a neighbor who had cancer.
Does anyone remember the late, very good CArdinal John O'Connor of New York? He had cancer of the brain, and was given steroids and gained what looked like 100 lbs. He died …More
Two people in my family or neighbors were on steroids that I can remember, and both gained a hgue abount of weight. My Aunt when she tripped over her cat coming down the stairs and broke her hip, and a neighbor who had cancer.
Does anyone remember the late, very good CArdinal John O'Connor of New York? He had cancer of the brain, and was given steroids and gained what looked like 100 lbs. He died shortly after at 80.
Salvatore Bastatti
The use of steroids may explain Gordo's incomprehensaible girth.
Fat bastard. El Gordo.
Pray for him to his idols? Pray to punch your mama, the church (Why give demons glory by saying their names?) and to the earth?
English Catholic
Wow, I thought the NHS was bad enough, but I'd hate to be treated at the Gemelli, if I thought details of any medical treatment I was receiving were being splurged all over the internet. Whatever we think of Pope Francis, he has a right to medical privacy.
I don't think medical privacy is a 'thing' anymore after the world wide flu...