
This Is the Draft Of The "Mayan Rite" - The Altar Is Back

Retired San Cristobal de Las Casas Cardinal Felipe Arizmendi Esquivel provided LifeSiteNews.com (March 22) with a proposal for a Novus Ordo "Mayan Rite". It will be presented to the Mexican bishops in April and to the Vatican in May. San Cristobal de Las Casas is a hotbed of liturgical abuse.

Components of the "Mayan Rite"

• Incense is used throughout the Eucharist by male or female lay people called "incensers."

• Prayers are said by male or female lay people which are called “principals”. They stand beside the priest and are considered "moral and spiritual authorities." Quote: "The community prayer led by the principals is an essential element that must be included in the Ordinary of the Eucharist presided over with the indigenous peoples of this diocese. Without this element, there would not be an adequate entry into a personal relationship with God, as is intended in the celebration of the Eucharist with the initial rites.”

• Ritual dances can express "thanksgiving" instead of songs of praise.

• Mayan shells are used, that serve originally to "communicate with the ancestors" as part of ancestor worship.

• Mayan candle lighting to contact “other living or deceased people” and “sister mother earth.”

• A Mayan altar, called “Mayan offering”, is placed in a church, near the meal table. On it are plants, flowers, fruits, seeds, candles of different colours pointing to the four cardinal points believed to be associated with the gods.

The proposal is dishonest because these abuses have already been introduced, as the pictures below show. In San Cristobal Diocese, a female incense burner, the wife of a deacon, participated at a priestly ordination. Mayan altars are often worshipped even by bishops, and shells are used for whatever.

Believers interested in Christianity are switching en masse to the Protestant sects.

Picture: LifeSiteNews.com/Seminario Conciliar De San Cristóbal/Facebook, #newsVfmsnthknt

Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
"Mayan Rite"? Doesn't look like an authentic "Mayan Rite" to me. Where's the High Priest?" Where's the altar of sacrifice? Where is the sacrificial victim, whose heart the High priest will wrip out of his chest while he's still living with a sharp dagger and hold it his over his head as an offering to the Sun? This isn't an authentic Mayan Rite without all that!
Next, how about a similar Aztec …More
"Mayan Rite"? Doesn't look like an authentic "Mayan Rite" to me. Where's the High Priest?" Where's the altar of sacrifice? Where is the sacrificial victim, whose heart the High priest will wrip out of his chest while he's still living with a sharp dagger and hold it his over his head as an offering to the Sun? This isn't an authentic Mayan Rite without all that!
Next, how about a similar Aztec Rite, or a Cretan Rite which involves bull jumping, or a Mithraic Rite common in Rome in the 1st century, where everyone has sex during the ceremonies? How about a Nature Rite, or a Climate Rite, or a Peace Rite? 😂😂😂😂😂
Mary K Jones
Hilarious, Kenjiro. I'll post here if I see one advertised. 😉
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Mary K Jones -Hi Mary. Thank you. I did it to be humorous. A Mayan Rite and all the others are so ridiculous, that it IS almost hilarious if it wasn't actually so sad. You and I and all good Catholics know, that since the disaster of Vatican II, everything and anything is allowed.....except the traditional Roman Tridentine Latin Mass. No wonder no one goes to "Mass" anymore, if you can call the …More
@Mary K Jones -Hi Mary. Thank you. I did it to be humorous. A Mayan Rite and all the others are so ridiculous, that it IS almost hilarious if it wasn't actually so sad. You and I and all good Catholics know, that since the disaster of Vatican II, everything and anything is allowed.....except the traditional Roman Tridentine Latin Mass. No wonder no one goes to "Mass" anymore, if you can call the made-up fabricated Novus Ordo a "mass" in the first place. 🤪 😂 😭 😭
J G Tasan
🥴 😡 😤
la verdad prevalece
Here we can see the true face of Bergoglio's anti-church that the Apocalypse calls a harlot because instead of being faithful to the True God, they fornicates with the false gods of the pagan world.
Ivan Tomas
I've said it long ago. Every while there will be a new version of novus ordo.
What this might be? NO v.945354?
The whole V2 and NO should be abrogated entirely.
Jason l
Hell bound. Repent or burn in hell forever.
Tony M
The fruit of the idolatrous Pachamama Jorge.....by their fruit you will know them!!!
This is a scandalous and blasphemous insult to Jesus who gives Himself to us in the Blessed Sacrament.
This cannot be a valid Mass.....more like the abomination of desolation!!!
Lord have mercy....Christ have mercy!!!
porta folio manager
(but, even knowing it, you will be 'in full communion' with 'the pope', aren't you?)
Tony M
Speak for yourself Porta. There is overwhelming evidence that Canon Laws & Apostolic Constitution laws were broken when Pope Benedict resigned & Jorge Bergoglio was supposedly elected. Put all of that together with the heresies he announced from the Chair of Peter and it very much looks like he is an anti-pope.
Have a look at what these Canonists have said in this regard:-
"Neither is someone a …More
Speak for yourself Porta. There is overwhelming evidence that Canon Laws & Apostolic Constitution laws were broken when Pope Benedict resigned & Jorge Bergoglio was supposedly elected. Put all of that together with the heresies he announced from the Chair of Peter and it very much looks like he is an anti-pope.
Have a look at what these Canonists have said in this regard:-

"Neither is someone a schismatic for denying his subjection to the Pontiff on the grounds that he has solidly founded [probabiliter] doubts concerning the legitimacy of his election or his power [refs to Sanchez and Palao]." de Lugo: Disp., De Virt. Fid. Div., disp xxv, sect iii, nn. 35-8

"Finally they cannot be numbered among the schismatics, who refuse to obey the Roman Pontiff because they consider his person to be suspect or doubtfully elected on account of rumors in circulation..." Wernz-Vidal: Ius Canonicum, Vol vii, n. 398.

"Nor is there any schism if one suspects the person of the pope or the validity of his election, or if one resists him as the civil head of a state." Szal, Rev Ignatius: Communication of Catholics with Schismatics, CUA, 1948, p.2
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I feel sorry for Catholics like @porta folio manager . After what faithful Catholics have suffered for the last ten years, and continue to suffer, and he/she has the "courage" to state this " but, even knowing it, you will be 'in full communion' with 'the pope', aren't you?)" he/she has to be crazy, or delusional. or a brainwashed zombie to expect faithful Catholics who love tradition and the True …More
I feel sorry for Catholics like @porta folio manager . After what faithful Catholics have suffered for the last ten years, and continue to suffer, and he/she has the "courage" to state this " but, even knowing it, you will be 'in full communion' with 'the pope', aren't you?)" he/she has to be crazy, or delusional. or a brainwashed zombie to expect faithful Catholics who love tradition and the True Mass to still be "in communion" with a heretic apostate blasphemer like Pope Francis and all his homosexual cardinals and bishops he has appointed to positions in the Church. Yes, he HAS actively appointed known, practicing homosexual priests to high office and as bishops.
What faithful Catholic in their right mind would still want to be "in full communion" with a Pope and Vatican like that. I'm not, and glad of it. And mny priests have said there is nothing wrong with defying heresy and evil.
I say leave the pagans alone with their pagan rites
Alemania, Méjico, Malta, China, el Vaticano... Estados Unidos, Gran Bretaña y demás; en cualquiera de estos países se encontrará misas inválidas, fe muerta y católicos celebrando la apostasía con su silencio o con su complicidad.
Por eso Dios nos ha enviado una fuerza engañadora, para que los que no creyeron caigan.
Los espíritus tienen un poder inusual, mientras la verdad se eclipsa más y el …More
Alemania, Méjico, Malta, China, el Vaticano... Estados Unidos, Gran Bretaña y demás; en cualquiera de estos países se encontrará misas inválidas, fe muerta y católicos celebrando la apostasía con su silencio o con su complicidad.

Por eso Dios nos ha enviado una fuerza engañadora, para que los que no creyeron caigan.

Los espíritus tienen un poder inusual, mientras la verdad se eclipsa más y el vicio de la validación por el mundo nos trae más cerca a la ruina.

La humildad ya no se práctica en silencio, los enemigos de Dios sacan la cara y son aplaudidos como héroes, buscar santidad y querer ser mártires es cosa hoy por hoy de locos.

Las aguas de vida saben amargas, su usual dulzura ahora mismo huele ajenjo y ser católicos de cafetería es ahora lo más bello.

Dios mío, Dios mío... por que te hemos abandonado? Que espejito nos desvió la atención hacia el cielo?, Que sabor nos quitó lo eterno?... Permiteme volver a tu regazo, déjame morir en Tu gracia, búscame ahora te lo pido, no dejes que mi alma oscurezca, no permitas que el malo me haga suyo, deja que mis lágrimas sean secadas por Ti, ten Misericordia de los que te buscan Amor mío, no nos dejes solos. Amén 🙏
Jeffrey Ade
Amen! our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
porta folio manager
este... que (por definicion) "apostasia" (de la que Vd. admite existe), no es quedar FUERA de la Iglesia ???
ERGO... como es que despues de admitir que son APOSTATAS, vd. tiene el contrasentido de llamarlos "catolicos" ?????