Pope shuts down monastery where dancing sisters were order of the day. marcocapulli1 on May 2, 2010 Fu una cubista in discoteca prima della sua conversione che l'ha portata a a servire esclusivamente …Altro
Pope shuts down monastery where dancing sisters were order of the day.

marcocapulli1 on May 2, 2010 Fu una cubista in discoteca prima della sua conversione che l'ha portata a a servire esclusivamente Dio, consacrandosi a Lui. La danza è rimasta un carisma che oggi Suor Anna fa solo per lodare il suo Sposo, Gesù.
A Rimini, in occasione della preghiera comunitaria carismatica della Convocazione Nazionale dei Gruppi e Comunità del Rinnovamento nello Spirito 2010 ha danzato per i 15000 presenti ma soprattutto per dar Lode a Dio per essersi rivestita della Sua luce.
There is a lot of confusion (doctrinal, moral and ethica...) in this convertion, i am not here to judg but this is not my catholic faith. Satan can be in the convents. Let us prey in this Year of faith for the convertion of heart and deeds
✍️ Well, for one thing, she says that the Catholic Church is "chauvinistic"-BUT, worse than that, 😡 🤬 is her dance with the Holy Cross!!!
Holy Cannoli
Thanks, Ira.
Interessante ma io no capisce. But, I am a student of body language.
There is still a lot of the world in Anna. I'm not saying that is a bad thing since there is a lot of the world in many of us including me. However, it is not a good thing for a nun. Plus, she's a little too animated in her conversation for me. Seems artificial and that she's trying to prove something....who knows what? …Altro
Thanks, Ira.

Interessante ma io no capisce. But, I am a student of body language.

There is still a lot of the world in Anna. I'm not saying that is a bad thing since there is a lot of the world in many of us including me. However, it is not a good thing for a nun. Plus, she's a little too animated in her conversation for me. Seems artificial and that she's trying to prove something....who knows what?

@Cannoli: Here is the MTV interview, in Italian: "Suor" Anna Nobili: Testimonianza MTV
Holy Cannoli
In 2009 Anna Nobili, a nightclub dancer who became a nun, was invited to perform her "holy dance" before an audience including archbishop Gianfranco Ravasi, head of the Vatican's cultural department. For her performance Nobili, who says she uses dance as a form of prayer, lies spread-eagled in front of the altar clutching a crucifix or twists and turns as in pole-dancing routines.
In the video, we …Altro
In 2009 Anna Nobili, a nightclub dancer who became a nun, was invited to perform her "holy dance" before an audience including archbishop Gianfranco Ravasi, head of the Vatican's cultural department. For her performance Nobili, who says she uses dance as a form of prayer, lies spread-eagled in front of the altar clutching a crucifix or twists and turns as in pole-dancing routines.

In the video, we observe a “nun” who ditched her thongs and stilettos as a former lap dancer to now publicly dance seductively exposing her body to whomever is in the audience. But wait. She calls it a “holy dance" and I guess that makes it all ok.

Then we've got one of her fans from Lithuania who claims that this public display of sexuality is successfully publish[ing] the gospel.

😀 😀 😀 😀 😀

if Anna Nobili were sincere in her conversion, she would get off the stage permanently, become a contemplative and beg forgiveness for her former decadent lifestyle which undoubedly lead so many into serious sin. Instead, she still clings to her old ways.

The following story is dated May 26, 2011.
👍 Thanks for the link, Cannoli: www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-13559219
Holy Cannoli
“Holy Dance” my foot. It's sexuality on display and this babe is trying to sell it to gullible rubes.
You're showing a lot of leg there, sweet cheeks proving that you can take the dancer away from lap dancing but it's much more difficult to take the lap dancing away from the dancer.
Look Sweetie, drop this nonsense and do what you were created to do. Find a man and get thee to the kitchen and cook …Altro
“Holy Dance” my foot. It's sexuality on display and this babe is trying to sell it to gullible rubes.

You're showing a lot of leg there, sweet cheeks proving that you can take the dancer away from lap dancing but it's much more difficult to take the lap dancing away from the dancer.

Look Sweetie, drop this nonsense and do what you were created to do. Find a man and get thee to the kitchen and cook for him.


✍️ "Information from the BBC: two years ago the late Italian journalist who in 2009 wrote an article about this nun..."--then the translation gets bad--thanks!
In 2009 Anna Nobili, a nightclub dancer who became a nun, was invited to perform her "holy dance" before an audience including archbishop Gianfranco Ravasi, head of the Vatican's cultural department. For her performance Nobili, who says she uses dance as a form of prayer, lies spread-eagled in front of the altar clutching a crucifix or twists and turns as in pole-dancing routines.
Dating back to …Altro
In 2009 Anna Nobili, a nightclub dancer who became a nun, was invited to perform her "holy dance" before an audience including archbishop Gianfranco Ravasi, head of the Vatican's cultural department. For her performance Nobili, who says she uses dance as a form of prayer, lies spread-eagled in front of the altar clutching a crucifix or twists and turns as in pole-dancing routines.
Dating back to the 4th century, Santa Croce in Gerusalemme was built to house relics brought back from the Holy Land by the mother of Emperor Constantine.
They include items described as nails and splinters from the cross, thorns from Jesus's crown, and a bone from the finger St Thomas pushed into the wounds of Christ.

The monks living there now had opened a shop selling organic produce from their kitchen garden, but this was shut down in 2009 amid accusations of their having secretly stocked the shelves from a neighbourhood grocery.

The Italian newspaper La Stampa said that VIP guests were also encouraged to stay at a hotel opened at the Santa Croce monastery which offered a 24-hour limousine airport service.
In 2008 Fioraso hosted a week-long, televised, reading of the bible with religious figures, politicians and celebrities reading tracts, starting with Pope Benedict himself. But a year later Fioraso was ousted, despite protests from parishioners who defended his "patience, dedication, sacrifice and passion".
The Vatican's removal of the monks to other monasteries, ending their 500-year presence at the basilica, follows Benedict's hard line with other wayward orders, including the Legionaries of Christ, run by the Mexican priest Marcial Maciel Degollado, who fathered numerous children, was disciplined over sexual abuse allegations and was banished to a life of penitence.
The basilica was supported by the Friends of Santa Croce, a who's who of Roman society run by a Italian claiming descent from Charlemagne.
Italian press reports have speculated that the inspectors from the Vatican suspected homosexual relations between monks at the monastery.
Altri 3 commenti da Irapuato
Anna Nobili's Channel: www.youtube.com/user/annanobili
Vedere, anche:"Suor" Anna Nobili: Testimonianza MTV
"Suor" Anna Nobili: Testimonianza MTV
I have no idea what that whole presentation was about.
Some woman flailing about? Taking a garment from the foot of the Cross and putting it on, while flailing about? Was that supposed to be some heretical statement about women who misunderstand their own femininity so profoundly that they seek to be priests, or otherwise men?
Here's my advice to this "stripper turned Nun" - stop the self indulgent …Altro
I have no idea what that whole presentation was about.

Some woman flailing about? Taking a garment from the foot of the Cross and putting it on, while flailing about? Was that supposed to be some heretical statement about women who misunderstand their own femininity so profoundly that they seek to be priests, or otherwise men?

Here's my advice to this "stripper turned Nun" - stop the self indulgent flailing around in public, put on a habit, and prayerfully beg the Lord for the gift of humility.

The good news is the Holy See shut down this nonsense. There is a lot more cleaning up to do.
Ta-Hydia condivide questo
Danza 👏Altro

Danza 👏
Il Papa chiude l'abbazia dei vip "Troppi intrighi e mondanità"
A Santa Croce in Gerusalemme
abusi liturgici e poca disciplina
È una delle sette mete del pellegrinaggio a Roma e custodisce la più sacra delle reliquie (i frammenti della croce di Cristi), ma da vent’anni ospita lo scintillante regno dell’eccentrico abate acchiappavip, …Altro
Il Papa chiude l'abbazia dei vip "Troppi intrighi e mondanità"
A Santa Croce in Gerusalemme
abusi liturgici e poca disciplina

È una delle sette mete del pellegrinaggio a Roma e custodisce la più sacra delle reliquie (i frammenti della croce di Cristi), ma da vent’anni ospita lo scintillante regno dell’eccentrico abate acchiappavip, padre Simone Fioraso, ex stilista negli atelier milanesi. Dopo 18 secoli una delle basiliche romane più suggestive si era trasformata in un set cinematografico tra raduni di nobiltà nera, maratona tv di lettura della Bibbia (aperta da Benedetto XVI e intervallata dai balli col crocifisso dell’ex lap dancer suor Anna Nobili, documentata dal sito Messainlatino), visite di celebrità «cattolicamente scorrette» come la cantante Madonna, annesso albergo alla moda, interventi architettonici scenografici come il cancello-scultura di accesso all’orto botanico realizzato dall’artista superstar Jannis Kounellis.

Negli orti griffati della Basilica di Santa Croce in Gerusalemme era di casa la Roma glamour, si vendevano frutta e verdura biologiche (in realtà acquistate dai monaci in un negozio vicino) e si davano appuntamento gli «Amici di Santa Croce», associazione presieduta dal marchese Giulio Sacchetti discendente di Carlo Magno (sua vice è Olimpia Torlonia), luogo d’incontro fra poteri temporali e spirituali. Troppa mondanità per uno dei luoghi più venerati della cristianità in cui sono conservati i frammenti di croce ritrovati sul calvario da Sant’Elena, madre dell’imperatore Costantino. Lungo le maestose navate le cappelle svelano tesori di devozione come l’iscrizione sulla croce di Gesù, un chiodo e due spine della corona di Gesù, il dito di San Tommaso, l’apostolo che dubitava della resurrezione e una parte della croce del Buon Ladrone.

Eccessive luci della ribalta mediatica, maxi-lavori di ristrutturazione, l’accusa di abusi liturgici (documentati da foto di suore che danzano intorno all’altare), intrighi, le voci di scarsa disciplina morale e comportamenti discutibili nella comunità monastica. In Vaticano hanno voluto vederci chiaro con un’ispezione: la «Visita Apostolica “ad inquirendum et referendum”» ha indagato e riferito in Curia irregolarità tali da giustificare la cancellazione dell’abbazia e la diaspora della comunità monastica in altri conventi. Fa le valigie una comunità che nella capitale è un’istituzione dal Cinquecento. Accogliendo «le risultanze della Visita, approvate dal Congresso e confermate in forma specifica dal Santo Padre», il decreto firmato dal prefetto vaticano João Braz de Aviz e dal segretario Joseph Tobin e non ancora reso pubblico, è un colpo di scure. La Congregazione per gli istituti di vita consacrata e le Società di vita apostolica, cioè il ministero che «ha il compito di intervenire in tutto ciò che è riservato alla Santa Sede per quanto riguarda la vita consacrata», sopprime l’Abbazia di Santa Croce e dispone che «i monaci ivi residenti» si trasferiscano nei monasteri di San Bernardo in Italia, come stabilito dal commissario pontificio dom Mauro Giuseppe Lepori, abate generale dell’ordine cistercense.

Sotto la lente degli ispettori vaticani erano finiti in particolare, padre Fioraso e i suoi due più stretti collaboratori, padre Luca Zecchetto (direttore artistico del coro delle «Matite colorate») e padre Ryan per motivazioni di gestione economica ma anche di disciplina interna al monastero. Malgrado fossero lì da mezzo millennio, oramai la vita di clausura richiesta ai cistercensi mal si attagliava alla fiorente attività mondana-concertistica, al servizio limousine per i pellegrini più facoltosi, al negozio interno (i prodotti dell’orto disegnato dal paesaggista di casa Rothschild, liquori, miele, marmellate, pregiatissima cioccolata su ordinazione), al via-vai a tutte le ore del giorno, alle visite-passerella in Basilica di popstar trasgressive (Madonna «commossa» in una pausa del concerto a Roma del 2008, Gloria Estefan). Un giro di soldi fuori controllo, denunce arrivate nei Sacri Palazzi su conduzione «allegra» della vita monastica e rapporti non limpidi nella comunità. Una partita giocata tra sovraesposizione mediatica e trame opache. Fino al fischio finale di Benedetto XVI.
23 mayo 2011
Benedicto XVI sigue limpiando la Iglesia
La Iglesia es divina, pero en su etapa aquí en la tierra, la Iglesia militante, está formada por humanos. Y los humanos tenemos cosas buenas y muchas limitaciones. Somos capaces de lo más grande y de lo más miserable. La historia está ahí de testigo. Por eso no nos debemos escandalizar, ni desanimar, si encontramos deficiencias, debilidades,…Altro
23 mayo 2011
Benedicto XVI sigue limpiando la Iglesia

La Iglesia es divina, pero en su etapa aquí en la tierra, la Iglesia militante, está formada por humanos. Y los humanos tenemos cosas buenas y muchas limitaciones. Somos capaces de lo más grande y de lo más miserable. La historia está ahí de testigo. Por eso no nos debemos escandalizar, ni desanimar, si encontramos deficiencias, debilidades, equivocaciones, extrañas ocurrencias, incluso traiciones en esta gran familia nuestra. Pero gracias a Dios tenemos un centinela que va oteando el horizonte, que nos observa, y nos corrige. Es el Papa.
Benedicto XVI viene de una Congregación ( la de la Doctrina de la Fe) que está acostumbrada a deshacer entuertos doctrinales, y también disciplinares, cuando hace falta. Evidentemente no puede abarcarlo todo, pero cuando es debidamente informado, y el caso lo requiere, usa el báculo para poner las cosas en su sitio, gracias a Dios.
Todo esto, que bien lo sabe el lector, lo recuerdo para traer al Blog una noticia que en sí nos parece negativa, pero que nos revela la seguridad de que alguien vela por el orden y la fidelidad. No es muy conocida, pero es lo suficientemente relevante para que la conozcamos...
Un altro commento da Irapuato
Pope shuts down monastery where dancing sisters were order of the day
Read more: www.dailymail.co.uk/…/Pope-shuts-mona…
Pope Benedict XVI has closed a monastery visited by Madonna and where a stripper turned nun was a star attraction.
Vatican officials launched an inquiry following claims of 'liturgical abuse' at the monastery, after reports that the nuns were dancing around the altar during …Altro
Pope shuts down monastery where dancing sisters were order of the day

Read more: www.dailymail.co.uk/…/Pope-shuts-mona…
Pope Benedict XVI has closed a monastery visited by Madonna and where a stripper turned nun was a star attraction.

Vatican officials launched an inquiry following claims of 'liturgical abuse' at the monastery, after reports that the nuns were dancing around the altar during services.

Among them was sister Anna Nobili, 38, who became an overnight YouTube sensation after footage of the stripper turned nun preaching was posted on the internet.

Read more: www.dailymail.co.uk/…/Pope-shuts-mona…