
Salvini Invoked Medjugorje On Election Day And "Lost" - But Only According to the Oligarch Media

The politician Matteo Salvini posted on early Sunday, the election day in the Italian regions Emilia-Romagna and Calabria, a Facebook.com video (below) about the false apparition place Medjugorje.

He wrote: “Happy Sunday, with these beautiful images from the hill of the first apparitions at Medjugorje, at dawn.”

The oligarch media presented the outcome of the vote as a "defeat" for Salvini, but reality is different.

In Calabria his coalition won the election, kicking the Partito Democratico with Communist roots out of power, while in Emilia-Romagna, a traditional Communist stronghold, his party went vom 19% to 32% of the votes.


Medjugorge is not of God!
Yes that is what has been said. Although, a friend of mine said that her friend had regained her sight at Medjugorje. Also, I heard Fr Gabriel Amorth publicly stating in a video on YOUTUBE that Our Lady is appearing there.
So, It's a bit confusing really.....
God Bless
@Caroline03 A friend of a friend is something I wouldn't trust. Seemingly good things can happen if it will help pull more souls away from God in the end. This is what the devil can do.
I only go to Lourdes.. I love it there! They've just had a new miracle. In spite of the Church saying about 70 miracles have been accepted there, if you go into the Basilica's the walls are plastered with well over a 1000 tiles engraved with messages saying "Thank you" to blessings received from Notre Dame de Lourdes.
God Bless you Matt. 🙌🙏More
I only go to Lourdes.. I love it there! They've just had a new miracle. In spite of the Church saying about 70 miracles have been accepted there, if you go into the Basilica's the walls are plastered with well over a 1000 tiles engraved with messages saying "Thank you" to blessings received from Notre Dame de Lourdes.

God Bless you Matt. 🙌🙏