Pray for France - the eldest Daughter of the Church! Comments and insights please on what this means, dear Gloria TV friends! Let's discuss!

🔴 Live: French parties scramble to field candidates ahead of snap election

🔴 Live: French parties scramble to field candidates ahead of snap election French political parties raced Monday to field …
All Saints
Marine Le Pen said she welcomes the snap election. Macron, you are such a cowardly little weasle.
Billy F
Praying for France!
English Catholic
@Billy F Please do. My holy old spiritual director (RIP) used to call France 'the eldest and most disobedient daughter of the Church'. However, hopefully, I think things may be changing. See the latest Remnant video: “THE SCIENCE” ON TRIAL: Jeff Sachs and the CDC’s Dr. Redfield Turn State’s Evidence
Billy F
Oh yeah. I’m going to watch that today. Love Michael Matt.
English Catholic
Pray the rosary and have Masses offered for Jordan Bardella / Marine Le Pen to win: Bardella will be PM if far right wins French election, Le Pen says
English Catholic
Remember the scandal of Macron's bodyguard: Why IS President Macron publicly denying his bodyguard is his lover? and also his €26,000 euro bill for cosmetics for himself: Macron keeps up appearances with €26,000 makeup bill since May
Wow - thanks for that reminder! 😊
English Catholic
@DrMaria Yes, people need to be reminded of these scandals . . .