
Vindictive Archbishop Ousts Contemplative Nuns

San Antonio Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller who was named by Benedict XVI, ousted three Poor Clares from his diocese, writes Mary Ann Mueller on virtueonline.org (January 11). The sisters were living in a house of Our Lady of the Atonement, an Anglican Use Catholic parish. They returned to Alabama.

Our Lady of the Atonement was founded by Father Christopher Phillips, a former Episcopal priest who became a Catholic in the early 1980s. Phillips wanted contemplative nuns in his parish and asked Mother Angelica, the foundress of Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) for cloistered nuns. They arrived in 2008 upon approval by the archdiocese.

When García-Siller became the archbishop things quickly deteriorated. In January 2017, he forced Father Phillips out. As a consequence, the parish left San Antonio archdiocese and joined the Anglican Ordinariate, creating a noticeable drop in archdiocesan income.

Parishioners believe that the Sisters were removed as a payback for this. According to Church Militant they called García-Siller 's expelling the nuns "punitive, vindictive and godless."

Disgusting act!
Joseph a' Christian
"As a consequence, the parish left San Antonio archdiocese and joined the Anglican Ordinariate,.." The amount of division the vatikan ll false church has kaused is staggering.
Jesus prayed for His own, "That they all may be one, as thou, Father, in me, and I in thee; that they also may be one in us;..." (John 17)More
"As a consequence, the parish left San Antonio archdiocese and joined the Anglican Ordinariate,.." The amount of division the vatikan ll false church has kaused is staggering.

Jesus prayed for His own, "That they all may be one, as thou, Father, in me, and I in thee; that they also may be one in us;..." (John 17)