USCCB statements on other political topics are harming the campaign for religious freedom

USCCB statements on other political topics are harming the campaign for religious freedom In March the US bishops’ conference (USCCB) announced that “we will not rest” until Congress ensures that …More
USCCB statements on other political topics are harming the campaign for religious freedom
In March the US bishops’ conference (USCCB) announced that “we will not rest” until Congress ensures that religious freedom is protected in the federal health-care reform program.
Unfortunately, since that time the bishops have lost their focus, and thus complicated things for the active Catholic laity. The USCCB has done what the USCCB always does: muddied the water, by issuing statements on a host of different political issues—including many of which good Catholics have differing opinions, and on which Catholic bishops have no special expertise.
In the past 10 week, the USCCB and its spokesmen have:
weighed in on the federal budget;
filed an amicus curiae brief against the Arizona immigration law;
called for US intervention to prevent new fighting in South Sudan;
supported a ban on landmines; urged comprehensive immigration reform; insisted that budget cuts must not harm programs for the poor; …More
The proper response of Bishops to poverty, war, immigration, torture etc, should be like the response to abortion and euthanasia...A response that comes out of Catholic Tradition and Scripture, not a response that comes out of leftist or progressive ideology. Thus, the bread of socialism does not solve poverty, war is in some cases a justified response to tyranny and evil, immigration if it is legal …More
The proper response of Bishops to poverty, war, immigration, torture etc, should be like the response to abortion and euthanasia...A response that comes out of Catholic Tradition and Scripture, not a response that comes out of leftist or progressive ideology. Thus, the bread of socialism does not solve poverty, war is in some cases a justified response to tyranny and evil, immigration if it is legal and humanely managed, and capital punishment is just in some cases.
Seamless garment! Respect for ALL life. The bishops are being consistent. Christ is Lord of all of every detail of our lives. So, why should they but out on some?
Some Catholics would prefer a garment with only a collar (beginning of life) and a hem (end of life). The Sermon on the Mount is not applied to poverty, war, immigration, torture, execution.
Who's "Cafeteria" in that case?
But God bless …More
Seamless garment! Respect for ALL life. The bishops are being consistent. Christ is Lord of all of every detail of our lives. So, why should they but out on some?
Some Catholics would prefer a garment with only a collar (beginning of life) and a hem (end of life). The Sermon on the Mount is not applied to poverty, war, immigration, torture, execution.
Who's "Cafeteria" in that case?
But God bless you all. We are all still Catholic.
The USCCB is nothing more than an NGO (Non Governmental Agency), a Thinktank for "bishops" with a politial agenda. What a disgrace! Meanwhile the pillars of the Roman Catholic Church are crumbling around them: fallen church attendance; child molesters in the clergy; an erosion of tradition; liturgical abuses...and on an on. I wonder if any of them have a real backbone and cut the BS and get down …More
The USCCB is nothing more than an NGO (Non Governmental Agency), a Thinktank for "bishops" with a politial agenda. What a disgrace! Meanwhile the pillars of the Roman Catholic Church are crumbling around them: fallen church attendance; child molesters in the clergy; an erosion of tradition; liturgical abuses...and on an on. I wonder if any of them have a real backbone and cut the BS and get down business. And that is to defend tradition, unify the Church, discipline child molesters, and teach authentic Catholic doctrine boldly.