The letter from Monsignor is... interesting to say the least. and 8 more users link to this post
Louis IX
Why are bishops insisting on driving away the few remaining Catholics who actually want to fulfill their Sunday obligation?
The worst part is they're passing the buck. This is the Bishop's decision to cancel Latin Mass. Traditionis Custodes gave him the authority. It didn't mandated that he do so.
It seems more prudent to have found a solution for a new communion rail before removing the current one. Nevertheless, it seems from photos that the current rail is poorly designed since it is dangerous for the priest when he is administering Holy Communion; he can easily trip with the narrow space he's given and, worst yet, he's constantly at risk of spilling the Blessed Sacrament. I wouldn't blow …More
It seems more prudent to have found a solution for a new communion rail before removing the current one. Nevertheless, it seems from photos that the current rail is poorly designed since it is dangerous for the priest when he is administering Holy Communion; he can easily trip with the narrow space he's given and, worst yet, he's constantly at risk of spilling the Blessed Sacrament. I wouldn't blow this statement of the Monsignor out of proportion. It's a good diocese and a good bishop.
Louis IX
No it isn’t. He just cancelled the Apostolic Masses that were being held on Saturday mornings due to these dubious orders from the vatican.
John A Cassani
Consider that this is the diocese that hosts the FSSP’s seminary. How far Bishop Bruskewitz’ immediate successor has fallen. For Trads to trust a bishop is about as wise as it is for an American energy company to trust a friendly presidential administration. It may well be even worse in the Church, if the constitutions of religious communities aren’t respected. This may be taking this incident a …More
Consider that this is the diocese that hosts the FSSP’s seminary. How far Bishop Bruskewitz’ immediate successor has fallen. For Trads to trust a bishop is about as wise as it is for an American energy company to trust a friendly presidential administration. It may well be even worse in the Church, if the constitutions of religious communities aren’t respected. This may be taking this incident a little far, but, Lincoln is an important diocese for Trads, and the policies of any diocesan cathedral are often symbolic of the way things will go, in general.