Might the ID of the AntiChrist have been revealed?
We are in the 5th era…while there are many devils on this earth ..THE antichrist is not here yet…A reign of Peace the 6th era will be coming near to or in the next decade ..no idea how long this era will last but at least 40 years (a generation)..Only when we enter the 7th and last era will we see ‘THE’ Antichrist appear..until then precursors of him will abound .
What about the startling statement of Francis? I didn't hear it in the video.
Maria delos Angeles
@Alejandrina Reyes Why is it false? What part of it, or all of it? I dont believe in the Rapture, for sure.
Jeffrey Ade
This is a protestant video. "The temple must be rebuilt." Is a false rapture cult ideology. "Orthodox Jews," are not someone a Catholic would turn to for information, but right wing zionist rapture christians in the US would. More false ideology. Quoting Daniel is a typical protestant trick. "Dual nature of the antichrist," is also false. Not a useful video on the Catholic teaching of the Antichrist.
Maria delos Angeles
Ok - I am with you so far, but as for Berkowitz aka Kushner, I thought that opening part of the presentation compelling, I am convinced the AntiC walks the earth in our time. Ears to the ground chaps.
Jeffrey Ade
@Maria delos Angeles Fr. Wolfe has some interesting sermons on the Antichrist, would you be interested in hearing them?
Carol H
Maria delos Angeles: If you don't believe in the Rapture, then why post it? There is already too much nonsense on Gloria TV without adding to it. Please remove.
Maria delos Angeles
@Carol H I do not have to agree with everything about everything I post: you need subtlety of mind. Have any Catholics that you know of put together anything of the like?
Maria delos Angeles
@Jeffrey Ade. I have probably heard it before. I do have a copy of Bellarmine's "The Antichrist" which has a preface by Fr Phillip right here. Lord of the world as well.
Carol H
I agree with you that the whole Berkowitz aka Kushner element is compelling; I've always treated Trump with great caution because of his son-in-law. However, as a protestant production it feeds into the sede-vacantist (neo-protestant) mindset.
Maria delos Angeles
Ok, but we are having a discussion. We live in a fallen world and nothing is perfect, as you see by the current state of the Church. No two people agree on anything, so if there is something to mull over I will take it where I can find it, and Deus vult, will help me piece it all together in His time.
Carol H
Sure, it's the Vatican II way - let us all dialogue together - and make up our minds about what is the truth. And if it attacks the Church and Papacy and aligns them with the anti-Christ, well at least we'll make our protestant brethren feel at home.
Alejandrina Reyes
False . Please remove