
Neo-Cardinal Goes on Dangerous Mercy-Trip

Siena Neo-Cardinal Paolo Lojudice, Italy, announced a December 18 show-visit to Ranza prison, San Gimignano.

His contorted explanation for the excursion, “The world of prisons represents one of those paths of mercy, which Pope Francis has invited us to follow in order to reach all those peripheries of the world that today more than ever need support and accompaniment".

However, the visit could turn into a fiasco if Lojudice would happen to show his “mercy” to an inmate sentenced for clerical abuse.

In these cases, the bishops don’t even display the appearance of Christian mercy in order not to provoke the merciless oligarch journalists.

Picture: Augusto Paolo Lojudice, © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsZnmiknacug