Jesus was a pacifist?

Jesus was a pacifist? WASHINGTON — National Review Online editor Jonah Goldberg spoke Wednesday about how “violence solves all sorts of problems” and argued against the critique that Jesus was a …More
Jesus was a pacifist?
WASHINGTON — National Review Online editor Jonah Goldberg spoke Wednesday about how “violence solves all sorts of problems” and argued against the critique that Jesus was a pacifist.
Goldberg spoke at the Heritage Foundation in Washington, D.C. about his new book, “The Tyranny of Clichés: How Liberals Cheat in the War of Ideas,” and, in an effort to expose one cliché, explained that Jesus wasn’t the pacifist that liberals say he was.
“A lot of people think we get this idea [that violence solves nothing] from Jesus,” Goldberg said. “This is one of the things they love: ‘You hypocritical conservatives, you think violence is a solution — you call yourself a Christian, you’re not.’ Jesus told his followers to carry swords. Unless he had some sort of theory that fell out of in the Apocrypha that these were just great big kabob skewers, presumably he thought they were going to be useful for something.”
“Violence solves all sorts of problems,” Jonah said earlier, “particularly …More
Good article. I'm going to check out the book. TY.