
Mao mehr respektiert als der Papst

Neuseeländischer Stromproduzent wird gezwungen ein Plakat mit Mao abzuhängen weil es die Chinesen beleidige. Das Plakat mit einem Schwule verheiratendem Papst darf bleiben.


Chairman Mao Gangnam Style ad banned from bus stops

By Rebecca Quilliam
7:45 PM Tuesday Mar 19, 2013


Image / powershop.co.nz

An advert depicting Chairman Mao performing the Gangnam Style dance has been banned from Auckland bus stops for fear it will insult Chinese residents.
The ad, for online electricity store Powershop, shows the Chinese former dictator surrounded by Chinese people and soldiers posing with guns, and carries the slogan 'Same Power Different Attitude'.
Advertising on the shelters is managed by Adshel on behalf of council-owned Auckland Transport.
Adshel managing director Nick Vile said it always flagged content that could be controversial.
"The reason we do that is our network of bus shelters is deemed to be a service provided by the city council to their constituents," Mr Vile said.
"Obviously that constituent group are wide and varied in terms of their ethnicity, and as a result I guess it's prudent for them to take a conservative approach."

Auckland Transport communications manager Sharon Hunter said as a general rule they did not want to have adverts on shelters that were designed to "shock, offend or be controversial".
"Something which may be funny to one person can easily be offensive to another.
"On this occasion we believed Powershop's advertisement may potentially cause offence to Auckland's Chinese population."
Powershop chief executive Ari Sargent said he was not aware of any official complaints about the advertisement, which has appeared online and on billboards in Auckland and Wellington.
He said previous campaigns had been more likely to cause offence than the Chairman Mao advert.
"I'm surprised that there's been any reaction to that one at all, to be honest."
Powershop had received only one complaint through its call centre, and would be asking Auckland Transport to review the decision.
"Clearly it's a frivolous ad."

Other Powershop campaigns:
* Former Iraq president Saddam Hussein collecting for charity
* Former North Korea dictator Kim Jong-il selling hotdogs for charity
* Pope Benedict XVI marrying a male couple

By Rebecca Quilliam Email Rebecca


Pope gay marriage ad 'unlikely' to cause widespread offence
By Rebecca Quilliam
5:16 PM Wednesday Jan 9, 2013


The giant Powershop billboard in Wellington. Photo / Mark Mitchell
A billboard depicting Pope Benedict XVI blessing the marriage of a male couple is unlikely to cause widespread offence, the Advertising Standards Authority has ruled.
The authority dismissed complaints against the Powershop billboard by four complainants.
The four-and-a-half storey billboard was part of a campaign by Powershop, with the slogan "Same Power, Different Attitude''.
The signs were put up last month in central Auckland and Wellington.
One complainant, B Pender, said the billboard offended him as a Christian.
"It is attempting to imply that the Catholic Church and The Vatican condone same sex marriage despite no formal communication of said claim.''
Other complaints to the authority mirrored that view and said the advertisement mocked the Catholic religion.
The authority's chairman Jenny Robson said the advertisement was referring to the issue of the same-sex marriage bill that was before Parliament and was legislation the Catholic Church opposed.

The electricity company used irony and humour, in keeping with Powershop's same power, different attitude campaign, she said.
Ms Robson said she acknowledged the offence caused to the complainants, but the billboard did not reach the threshold to be said to cause widespread offence in light of prevailing community standards.
"Neither did it breach the due sense of responsibility to consumers and society.''
Powershop chief executive Ari Sargent welcomed today's decision.
"It kind of reflects the feedback that we've got from the general public - yes, there was some vocal opposition but, by in large, people saw it for what it was and didn't find it particularly offensive.''
The company wanted to "stimulate debate'' about the issue, Mr Sargent said.
"Obviously it's not our intent to offend people.''
Labour MP Louisa Wall's Private Member's Marriage [Amendment] Bill has passed its first reading and submissions are being heard by a select committee.
Powershop has courted controversy with other billboards, such one as depicting former Iraq president Saddam Hussein collecting charity and former North Korea dictator Kim Jong-il selling hotdogs for charity.

By Rebecca Quilliam Email Rebecca


Pope marrying gay Couple, Mao doing the Gangnam, Thatcher high on Downing Street

Tolle Kampagne eines neuseeländischen Stromproduzenten mit Mao Gangnam Style, Thatcher auf Psyllos und dem Papst als Vermähler schwuler Pärchen. Hervorragende Illustrationen und ich liebe die Farben! Dürfte auch nicht viel mit greenwashing zu tun haben, der Laden hat laut Wikipedia einen ziemlich guten Ruf.

(via Buzzfeed)
Super, danke Iacobus für den erhellenden Einstieg in des Samstag! 😀 🤗