Irish catholic family and their home in 1932
I'm not sure why, but I get the vague impression they're proud of their faith. ;-) I hope those frames are water-proof.
Alex A
They were!!!
Most people today would shake their heads in disgust at such a large family. However, God smiles upon this family and prepares for their arrival in Heaven
my kinda people
Joseph a' Christian
Alex A
Look at the lack of acrimony in the above comments. Christian brotherly love at last.............well.at least for a while.
Joseph a' Christian
@Alex A This was your comment about the article of the Rabbi who equated African people to monkeys: “Is it just the time of the liturgical year that anti-Jew comments seemingly 'erupt' to the forefront of consciousness???”
You twisted who was the source of hatred, acrimony.
The lack of truth causes frustration, acrimony.