
Vatican Court Convicts Former Pupil of Vatican's Minor Seminary

The Vatican Court of Appeal has convicted Father Gabriele Martinelli, 31, who worked in the Vatican until 2021, of homosexual corruption of a "minor".

The homosexual affair between Martinelli and the complainant began about 15 years ago, when both were minors and pupils at the Vatican's Minor Seminary.

It technically became a crime when Martinelli turned 16, while his accomplice was six months younger and therefore still a minor.

Martinelli was sentenced for "rape" and "acts of lust" to two years and six months in prison and fined 1000 euros.

A first trial had acquitted him in October 2021 due to insufficient evidence. The complainant is of Polish origin and now lives openly as a homosexual.

Naomi Arai
So bizarre. His buddy was only 6 months younger and got off scot-free. Probably a scorned lover…
He loved “strange flesh” more than his priestly vows. And like the ill-fated cities of Sodom and Gomorrah who were justly annihilated for their vile depravities, it was his downfall.
Naomi Arai
He was 16. The complainant was another boy 6 months younger than him. I would call it completely unjust that both weren’t held to the same standard.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Pervert priest. Why is his face blacked out? Iy wasn't yesterday when a similar articile on him posted here?
Hugh N. Cry
This is a grave miscarriage of justice.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I would guess that the Vatican of Pope Francis is 60% queer.
John A Cassani
That might be a conservative estimate.