Gloria.TV News on the 6th of March 2013 Germany The German-humour satire magazine Titanic has produced another slanderous cover against Benedict XVI. Only last summer, the rag presented him as an …More
Gloria.TV News on the 6th of March 2013
The German-humour satire magazine Titanic has produced another slanderous cover against Benedict XVI. Only last summer, the rag presented him as an incontinent old man with faeces and urine on his cassock. The Vatican refused to take juridical action against the rag. This encouraged Titanic now to make a further step. It depicted Benedict XVI and Monsignor Georg Gaenswein as a homosexual couple with the headline: Sex at last!
Metropolitan Hilarion of Moscow suggested that the next pope will be an Italian. Hilarion commented: "I hope that the next pope is a traditionalist." Gloria.TV wonders, whether there is somebody among the Cardinals who would consider himself to fit in this category.
On Monday Ralph Napierski, a German man dressed in fake ecclesiastical robes, was escorted out of a meeting of Catholic cardinals by Swiss Guards after trying to sneak into the closed-door Vatican meeting." His black fedora (instead of a cap …More
“I hope that the next pope is a traditionalist.”
Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk
It would be a kiss of death if any papal candidate were to be
identified as being a traditionalist. Cardinal Raymond L. Burke
would most certainly be supportive of greater access to the
Tridentine Mass if he were to be elected. He would however
brook no nonsense with …More
“I hope that the next pope is a traditionalist.”

Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk


It would be a kiss of death if any papal candidate were to be
identified as being a traditionalist. Cardinal Raymond L. Burke
would most certainly be supportive of greater access to the
Tridentine Mass if he were to be elected. He would however
brook no nonsense with the disobedience of the Lefebvrites.
TITANIC PAPER should sink and burn like the boat! 😡
"Titanic" paper...more garbage like 'Spiegel.TV'