Summorum Pontificum Motu Proprio (immagini) Summorum Pontificum Motu Proprio (immagini)Altro
Summorum Pontificum Motu Proprio (immagini)
Summorum Pontificum Motu Proprio (immagini)
Francesco Federico
Christus vincit; Christus regnat; Christus Imperat.
Benedicto summo pontifici et universalis patri:
Pax, vita et salus perpetua.
Tempora bona veniat;
Pax Christi veniat;
Regnum Christi veniat
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Christus vincit; Christus regnat; Christus Imperat.
Benedicto summo pontifici et universalis patri:
Pax, vita et salus perpetua.
Tempora bona veniat;
Pax Christi veniat;
Regnum Christi veniat

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Every pope has something that distinguish himself from the rest, I can only speak of two because it is only this two I have known in my lifetime: John Paul the Great (JPII), and pope Benedict XVI.
The charisma of JPII and his seal driven to put in check communism with the help of God, of course, the love he exude towards another without having a PR guru like is happening today in the Vatican was …Altro
Every pope has something that distinguish himself from the rest, I can only speak of two because it is only this two I have known in my lifetime: John Paul the Great (JPII), and pope Benedict XVI.

The charisma of JPII and his seal driven to put in check communism with the help of God, of course, the love he exude towards another without having a PR guru like is happening today in the Vatican was supernatural, God appointed JPII and JPII delivered with love for the Lord.

My pope Benedict XVI, had the hand from heaven and the seal to chase out bad priests, contrary to what the world wants us to believe, he is the most courageous pope, seeing the state of the Church, defrocking 400 priests for child abuse, telling the world that the message of Fatima hasn't concluded, saying that Islam is evil, telling the world that a priest who wants to be a priest cannot be homosexual, seeing the persecution to the Latin Mass he freed the tridentine mass to be celebrated with no penalties.

This Motu Propio was a big step back for those who persecuted the Latin Mass and eventually was the one thing, which make those bad Bishops to push Benedict to abdication.

God Bless my Pope Benedict XVI, I love you Holy father...