JacaGrz Grz
Just so you know... vandalism can carry some nasty fines and there are cameras literally everywhere now...
Facts Not Lies
It's not vandalism.
It is artistic expression.More
It's not vandalism.

It is artistic expression.
I wish your attorneys the very best of luck in their efforts to convince a sour-puss judge of that. ;-)
Facts Not Lies
:) As a friend actually did when she was taken in for her artistic expression of applying a 'tag' (sticker with her 'tag') onto things... and won.
True, I probably wouldn't get away with it as I am autistic not artistic.. .but... toss in a few assertions that disallowing the expression is racist and it may suddenly be tossed from the court because of use of agenda-based defense.
After all, I have …More
:) As a friend actually did when she was taken in for her artistic expression of applying a 'tag' (sticker with her 'tag') onto things... and won.

True, I probably wouldn't get away with it as I am autistic not artistic.. .but... toss in a few assertions that disallowing the expression is racist and it may suddenly be tossed from the court because of use of agenda-based defense.

After all, I have heard that math is racist...

Oh... on an aside but mildly related...

It is the duty of a juror to raise questions about laws which are unjust, illegal, and 'wrong'. Should one be a juror and find that a law or its method of enforcement are not, it is their DUTY to state this. The legal system (lawyers) do not want this known. They do their best to hide the information without it being obvious... but, it IS the case... THIS is how bad laws were corrected before lawyers took control of the system.

True... it may only result in a retrial, mistrial, dismissal of the jury a few times. But, obstructing mis-justice can be erosive to it.

For more information search for Jury Nullification and the laws which create this condition (which is the bane of lawyers).
@Facts Not Lies Your friend's attorney very likely pointed out the sticker was removable and thus it was not vandalizing the objects themselves, merely resting on them. ;-)
"...toss in a few assertions that disallowing the expression is racist and it may suddenly be tossed from the court because of use of agenda-based defense."
May or may not. The prosecution tried branding George Zimmerman a …More
@Facts Not Lies Your friend's attorney very likely pointed out the sticker was removable and thus it was not vandalizing the objects themselves, merely resting on them. ;-)

"...toss in a few assertions that disallowing the expression is racist and it may suddenly be tossed from the court because of use of agenda-based defense."

May or may not. The prosecution tried branding George Zimmerman a racist. Didn't work. ;-)

Jurors who follow their duties too rigorously tend to get dismissed rather quickly on a variety of specious grounds.

Crafty jurors simply refuse to convict the defendant and use the jury's deliberation room as an arena to display their debating skills at the withering expense of their opponents. In short, they use the opportunity to "act like a prideful child who is stuck up and gets butterflies every time you get to show off your intellectual prowess." as @Mathathias Maccabeus so trenchantly phrased it. ;-)

Done skillfully, acting in this manner can even get opponent-jurors dismissed when their tempers get the better of them. Criminally threatening a fellow juror, for example, constitutes "Juror Misconduct" which is an automatic "adios" off the jury.

Orchestrating an opponent's dismissal has a sobering effect on the now-removed juror's faction. . Big morale booster for your side, too. pic related.
Facts Not Lies
Ahh... yes... see it would be the defense claiming that disallowing my expression is racist. It would be the case where the prosecution is persecuting racially 😉
Today, racism is proven by assertion... facts are unneeded to prove guilt.
My housemate stated that presenting facts of racism may now implicate myself for planning blackmail... (yep, I agree it is illogical... so is 99% of what …More
Ahh... yes... see it would be the defense claiming that disallowing my expression is racist. It would be the case where the prosecution is persecuting racially 😉

Today, racism is proven by assertion... facts are unneeded to prove guilt.

My housemate stated that presenting facts of racism may now implicate myself for planning blackmail... (yep, I agree it is illogical... so is 99% of what has occurred in the mast several years - especially related to our "governments" decision on increasing the racial rift).
"see it would be the defense claiming that disallowing my expression is racist."
I recognize that. It wouldn't work, since minorities in large cities do vandalize signs and are convicted for it.
"Today, racism is proven by assertion... facts are unneeded to prove guilt."
In the court of public opinion, not courts of law. ;-)
It's always a nasty shock for Lefty Land when they're forced to remember …More
"see it would be the defense claiming that disallowing my expression is racist."

I recognize that. It wouldn't work, since minorities in large cities do vandalize signs and are convicted for it.

"Today, racism is proven by assertion... facts are unneeded to prove guilt."

In the court of public opinion, not courts of law. ;-)

It's always a nasty shock for Lefty Land when they're forced to remember the two are not the same.

Seriously, don't mark up other people's signs, whether it's to lock up a QR code, or post your gang's "tag". Then you won't have to worry about it or court appearances.

This is something I can't emphasize enough to legally minded "street lawyers". Even if you win, your attorney's fees will be brutal and form a kind of "fine" in their own right.
Hermano Timoteo
It's a great idea. I will be taking a marker along with me.
Ave Crux
Right, and within a matter of days the FBI will be at your front door disrupting your plans and labeling you a domestic terrorist for life. As if doing something like that would not be caught on surveillance immediately. We now live in a surveillance state.