An Interview with Sr. Amapola The Lord has not given a public Message for this week, so we have decided to use this opportunity to publish a video interview with Sr. Amapola that was taped just before …More
An Interview with Sr. Amapola
The Lord has not given a public Message for this week, so we have decided to use this opportunity to publish a video interview with Sr. Amapola that was taped just before the release of the first public Message. We hope this interview will answer many of the questions people have been asking about her experience of receiving these locutions.
This interview with Sr. Amapola was conducted in English. We hope to produce a similar interview in Spanish soon.
chris griffin
Seems that the unborn have been abandoned. This sister spoke to Jesus and the blessed Mother hundreds of times and abortion was never mentioned.
@chris griffin Where did you get the messages? I thought they are not published yet....
chris griffin
@petrus100452... hi petrus, I am referring to the interview of the Sister in the article above. In the interview she said she has talked to them hundreds of times and she never said that abortion was discussed.
@chris griffin I have seen the interview. Sister Amapola doesn't refer to anything that was discussed or revealed in her conversation with God the Father, the Holy Spirit, Jesus or His Mother (or, in rare cases, with saints). So isn't it a bit premature to conclude that abortion was never discussed? Sister said that the power of evil is very strong in society and in the Church, so it is even more …More
@chris griffin I have seen the interview. Sister Amapola doesn't refer to anything that was discussed or revealed in her conversation with God the Father, the Holy Spirit, Jesus or His Mother (or, in rare cases, with saints). So isn't it a bit premature to conclude that abortion was never discussed? Sister said that the power of evil is very strong in society and in the Church, so it is even more likely that abortion is mentioned in the messages, although it probably won't be the central message. That is - as I understand it - the reconquering by God of all that Satan has taken and the way God is pointing out to be His collaborators in this battle.
chris griffin
@petrus100452... "For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen." 1 John 4:20.
We must love those unborn babies first in order to love God.More
@petrus100452... "For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen." 1 John 4:20.

We must love those unborn babies first in order to love God.