
Degenerate Synod of Bishops Pushes Homosex and Fake Priests

The Synod of Bishops posted cartoons on various social media in September promoting homosex and pride without any sense of decency, including a woman dressed as a "priest" with a chasuble and stole.

The cartoons mimicked the style of leftwing activism of 60 years ago. The slogans on the cartoons read, “Animate this blossoming mission that is larger than any of us. We desire to be on advisory councils to make decisions.” And, “We are the young people of the future and the future is now.” Young Catholics, however, do not yearn for outdated left-wing militancy.

The left's hatred of freedom and free speech is evident in the synod's general secretary, Mario Grech, who blocks Catholics on social media, demonstrating his understanding of "accompaniment" and "listening".


In that last cartoon it looks more like an Ala-Teen support group than Catholic youth meeting. Especially like the dude in the blue tee-shirt. He clearly wishes he was somewhere else.
Darrell J Roman
Heresy at its High Point! God preserve us from allowing this "Trash" to come to it's fulfillment! Then we will know for sure that the Smoke of Satan that has been in the Church since the II Vatican Council has transformed from Smoke to Satan himself...
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Ursula Sankt
Here are some of the many hints towards homosex
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I have not read of any pushback from bishops, but I hope it is "immense". True Catholic Bishops and Cardinals need to rise up, and save the Catholic Church. Bring down Francis and his people. If this is the way the Roman Catholic Church is going, Faithful Catholics should do one of two things----either abandon the established Church of the Francis Vatican and stampeed to the SSPX, or, group together …More
I have not read of any pushback from bishops, but I hope it is "immense". True Catholic Bishops and Cardinals need to rise up, and save the Catholic Church. Bring down Francis and his people. If this is the way the Roman Catholic Church is going, Faithful Catholics should do one of two things----either abandon the established Church of the Francis Vatican and stampeed to the SSPX, or, group together and establish a new, (hopefully temporary) Vatican and Catholic Church by finding a true Bishop willing to be a substitute Pope, and establish a new Rome, new Vatican, new substitute College of Cardinals, all according to Catholic traditions....which will exist as a substitute Catholic Church only until the original (ture) Vatican and Catholic Church elects a true Catholic as Pope.
Just accepting this agenda because it's coming from "the Pope" is suicide. Bergoglio has proved time and again that he is not a Catholic, that he and his people like Grech are destroying the Church , and they need to be repudiated and disavowed...even if it means establishing a substitute Vatican and substitute Pope until Rome returns to the true traditions and Faith.
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori you told me...so many,many Cardinals,Bishops worry about Bergoglio...even though Bergoglio made Cardianls and Bishops...I know some Bergoglio makes to some Great Cardianls..like Eminence Cardinal Muller...Eminence Cardinal Ouedragogo<archbishop of ouagadogou,burkina faso>,Cardinal Andrew Yeom<former archbishop of seoul,korea>...and this old man appointed to some great Bishops …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori you told me...so many,many Cardinals,Bishops worry about Bergoglio...even though Bergoglio made Cardianls and Bishops...I know some Bergoglio makes to some Great Cardianls..like Eminence Cardinal Muller...Eminence Cardinal Ouedragogo<archbishop of ouagadogou,burkina faso>,Cardinal Andrew Yeom<former archbishop of seoul,korea>...and this old man appointed to some great Bishops too...so my opinion...now,now Many,Many Cardianls,Bishops are shouting!!! Stop to this horrible Synod!!!! I am sure...if,if we just watching to this Synod...Holy Catholic church totally,totally difference than past time....so horrible...they need to Brave!!!! don't afraid Schism!! Wrong Groups are make to Schism!!! now need to Action!! Silence is not,not Gold!!!!! we must fight to this wrong Synod!! really,really worry about this wrong Synod...please,please Lord Send to us Real Pope,Orthodox Pope..fast time..so this horrible Synod stop..and real Synod will Open...
John Fritz Logan
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori We've had several corrections and criticisms of the synodal path in Germany, of Hollerich's heretical remarks in february (which he recently contradicted), of the Flemish proposal, of the notion that this synod could change doctrine and so on.
The artwork itself may not have been attacked by bishops yet, the pushing of heresy through synod thankfully has been.More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori We've had several corrections and criticisms of the synodal path in Germany, of Hollerich's heretical remarks in february (which he recently contradicted), of the Flemish proposal, of the notion that this synod could change doctrine and so on.

The artwork itself may not have been attacked by bishops yet, the pushing of heresy through synod thankfully has been.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
That sounds hopefull, but to tell the truth, I would not feel that anyone is trying to counter Francis and his Synodal heretic assiciates unless it was total bishops conferrences, dozens of CArdinals, many more bishops, theologians, etc. One or two bishps and a document signed by 30 theologians means nothing. A tidal wave of opposition would physically shake Francis so much so that he never atte,…More
That sounds hopefull, but to tell the truth, I would not feel that anyone is trying to counter Francis and his Synodal heretic assiciates unless it was total bishops conferrences, dozens of CArdinals, many more bishops, theologians, etc. One or two bishps and a document signed by 30 theologians means nothing. A tidal wave of opposition would physically shake Francis so much so that he never atte,mpts something like his Synodal Synod, or goes after to persecuate the Roman LAtin Rite (Tridentine Latin Mass) again.
John Fritz Logan
It's good that this is all coming out now.
The pushback by bishops is immense. Stronger than it was during the Amazong, youth and family synods.
May Grech's papabile status sink with this synod on synodality and Germany's synodal path.More
It's good that this is all coming out now.

The pushback by bishops is immense. Stronger than it was during the Amazong, youth and family synods.

May Grech's papabile status sink with this synod on synodality and Germany's synodal path.